Sunday, February 19, 2017

(会員) Sunday 11pm Feb. 19, 2017 - This week in the news

(会員) Sunday 11pm Feb. 19, 2017 - This week in the news

McCain criticizes Trump for calling media 'the enemy': 'That's how dictators get started'

上院議員 = a senator
衆議院 = representatives
人口 = population
to criticize = 批評する
dictator = 独裁者
enemy = 敵

Trump had a press conference.

a press conference = 記者会見

a press secretary = 報道官

Sean Spicer


SNL = Saturday Night Live

Trump thinks Sean Spicer looks weak because a woman parodied him.
Malaysia Seeks to Question 7 in Killing of Kim Jong-nam
assassination = 暗殺,  
assassinate = 暗殺する,  
assassin = 暗殺者  

Kim Jong-nam was assassinated.
At least 11 people, six of them North Korean, have been linked to the plot to kill Mr. Kim.

He was linked to the murder.

Local news accounts said that two women had carried out the attack by injecting him with a poison or wiping his face with it.

The women thought they were taking part in a prank.

a prank = いたずら

to play a prank on sb
He played a prank on me.
a prankster

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