Thursday, July 1, 2010

初級-Money Idioms! for July 1, 2010

Beginner's class.


1) I don't have ~ money.
a) a lot of
b) many
c) much


2. How ~ was it?
a) many
b) much
c) expensive


3. How much did that ~ you?
a) pay
b) price
c) cost


4. How much did you ~ for that?
a) pay
b) price
c) cost


5. How much do I ~ you?
a) debt
b) cost
c) owe


6. I don't have any money ~ me.
a) with
b) on
c) in


7. I don't have much money ~ the bank.
a) with
b) on
c) in


8. The price is a little expensive. Can you give me a ~.
a) sale
b) bargain
c) discount


9) 発売中=
a) on sale
b) selling
c) now selling

10. There's a ~ at the department store. Everything is 20% off!
a) sale
b) bargain
c) discount


11. It's only $10!? Wow! That's a ~.


12. I don't have any money on me. I have to ~ some money from the bank.
a) take out
b) without
c) withdraw


13. Do you want
to ~ a cab?
a) split
b) share
c) go with


14. How much are they?
They're ¥1,000 ~ person.
a) per
b) for
c) each


15. Let me take care of it.
Let me get this (one).
I'll treat.
It's my treat.
It's on me.
I'll shout you (a beer).
Let me buy you a beer.
1. a) a lot, c) much
2. b) much, c) expensive
3. c) cost
4. a) pay
5. c) owe
Thanks! I owe you one!
6. a) with, b) on
7. c) in
8. c) discount
9. a) on sale
10. a) sale
11. b) bargain
12. c) withdraw
13. a) split, b) share
14. per

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