Sunday, July 4, 2010

Money Idioms for July 3, 2010

1. Oh, my God! My stocks just doubled in value! I'm ~ the money now!
a) on, b) at, c) in

2. That guy bought Microsoft stock years ago! He's probably ~ in money now.
a) sitting, b) rolling, c) cooking

3. Boy: Dad! Can I borrow $100?
Father: What!? I'm not ~ of money, son!
a) made, b) full, c) grown

4. I can't believe you predicted Japan would beat Denmark! You were right ~ the money.
a) at, b) in , c) on

5. German cars are great cars but they're expensive too. Toyotas are, ~ my money, the best.
a) in, b) with, c) for

6. Whenever I got to a buffet I always make sure I get my money's ~ and eat as much as I can.
a) value, b) worth, c) merit

7. Now that I got my bonus, I've got money to ~.
a) burn, b) use, c) lose

8. Bank clerk: How would you like the money? Customer: ~ 10s, please.
a) in, b) on, c) at

9. I ~ a lot of money in the stock market.,
a) burned, b) destroyed, c) lost

10. Dad: If you don't study hard you'll never be rich, son!
Son: Don't worry, dad! With my good looks, I'm sure I'll be able to ~ money.
a) marry, b) wed, c) marriage

11. That guy makes a pretty good salary, but money seems to burn a hole in his ~.
a) wallet, b) pocket, c) pants

12. A: Can we afford the operation?
B: Don't worry! Money is no ~!
a) problem, b) object, c) issue

13. Don't worry! I'm sure! You can ~ on it.
a) bet, b) gamble, c) count

14. If you are so sure you can beat me, why don't you put your money where your ~ is? Say ¥10,000?
a) jaw, b) teeth, c) mouth

15. I'm sure of it! You
can take it to the ~.
a) bank account, b) wallet, c) bank

16. He tried to ~ in on the World Cup Soccer fever by selling GO JAPAN t-shirts, but he ended up getting stuck
with hundreds of shirts he couldn't sell.
a) coin, b) cash, c) money

17. If I really need money, I could always ~ my Rolex.
a) pawn, b) sell, c) resell

18. It's your birthday so I decided to ~ and booked us a table at that new French restaurant. It's expensive but why not? It's your birthday, after all!
a) splurge, b) binge, c) sponge

19. When my wife gets mad she goes on a shopping ~ and ends up buying a bunch of clothes -- most of which she never ends up wearing.
a) splurge, b) binge, c) sponge




1. a) in

2. b) rolling

3. a) made

4. c) on

5. c) for
for my money=自分の意見としては

6. b) worth
to get one's money's worth=to get what you paid for and maybe a little more

7. a) burn
to have money to burn=to have lots of money

8. a) in

9. c) lost

10. a) marry

11. b) pocket
Money burns a hole in sb's pocket.=Somebody uses money up fast.

12. b) object

13. a) bet, c) count

14. c) mouth
Put your money where your mouth is. = Bet on it! Prove it!

15. c) bank
You can take it to the bank.=You can trust it. You can count on it.

Related: I wouldn't bank on it.=I wouldn't trust it.

16. b) cash

17. a) pawn

18. a) splurge

19. b) binge (also SPREE)

20. to make ends meet=to make enough money to pay the basic expenses

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