Monday, July 19, 2010

Nico Nico Lesson, July 19, 2010: prepositions

Nico Nico Douga July 19, 2010
Grammar / Idioms
Low level must know!
1. It's good ~ meet you! What?! You must be kidding that was too easy to/for me.

2. Please call ~ me tomorrow.

3. time particles:
This class starts ~ 11pm. I'll see you ~ a week. I haven't seen him ~ a week.

4. He is ~ the hospital. = He was hospitalized.

5. He was released ~ the hospital yesterday.= He was discharged.

6. He punched me ~ the arm.

7. I got ~ trouble ~ the teacher.

8. I stopped ~ the store ~ the way to work.

9. Who are you looking ~?

10. The doctor told me to stay ~ bed.
A Little harder?
11. My boss is mad ~ me. I'm ~ the doghouse.

12. Let's play it ~ ear. = We can make more specific plans later.

13. You have to come. = I won't take "no" ~ an answer.

14. I usually drink wine, but once ~ a blue moon, I'll drink whisky.

15. The grass is always greener ~ the other side.

16. He's in a bad mood today. = He must have gotten ~ on the wrong side of the bed.

17. Nothing fazes that guy. = He's got nerves ~ steel!

18. She broke up ~ me.

19. Don't worry, I'll get ~ of your hair in a minute.

20. I need a new computer. My last computer is ~ it's last legs!

21. Can we trust him? Is he ~ the level?

22. They haven't decided yet. = The jury is still ~.

1. to/for
OR Just stop at
That was too easy!
This class starts at 11pm.
I'll see you in a week.
I haven't seen him in/for a week.
4. in
5. from
6. in
7. in/into / with
8. by/at / on
9. for / at
10. in
A Little Harder?
11. at / in
12. by
13. for
14. in
15. on
16. up
17. of
18. with
19. out
20. on
21. on
22. out

The end.

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