Monday, March 28, 2011

ニコニコ動画 - Friday, March 28, 2011 Beginner

March 28, 2011
Touch your hips.
おしり=bottom, butt, ass
I had a very busy day today. = Today was ~.
I had a rough/long day.
I didn't get a chance to check the news.

High radiation was found in the ocean near the reactors.

No news is good news.

I like it there.
I like it here.

Here you go.=Say this when you hand something to somebody.
There you go. =Here you are.

There you go.=Say this when you hand something to somebody.
or to say,“Good job.”

There you go again! = また!?
here and there=あちこちで
My car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

in the middle of nowhere=in a very remote place

He lives out in the middle of nowhere.

the hereafter=time after you die

Fancy a cup of tea?

Fancy meeting you here.=What a coincidence!

A: Nice to see you again. / Good to see you again. / Welcome!
B: I’m happy to be here.

Look who's here!=I’m surprised that person is here.

Same here.=Me too.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

ニコニコ動画: March 27, 2011

ニコニコ動画: March 27, 2011
Hi guys!
How’s everyone doing?
Are you depressed?
Are you disappointed?
What’s the difference?
Well “depressed” just means sad.
But “disappointed” means you were expecting something good…but it turned out bad.

Now remember that in English, “expect” is not always good. Sometimes it just means you think it’s going to happen.

A lot of people translate 期待する as “expect” but it’s not the same.
“Expect” is closer to 予期する in my opinion. What do you think?

Ex: Last night you got really drunk, and insulted everyone. I am disappointed in you.

I’m ~ in you.

I’m ~ the disaster.
depressed about

I’m ~ because I failed the test.

The movie was ~.

The movie was depressing but really good.
Today, let’s talk about how we can say 頑張れ!

頑張れ can mean many
things depending on the situation.
Here are some of the basics:
1) Good luck!
2) You can do it!
3) Do your best!
4) Go for it!
5) Hang in there! (Don’t give up!)
6) Keep your chin up!
7) Cheer up!
8) Break a leg!
9) Keep it up!
Here are some interesting headlines.

Chinese man turns himself in seeking deportation over nuclear fears.

to turn oneself in: 自首する
I’m turning myself in.
to turn someone in: 〔警察や司法機関へ容疑者を〕引き渡す、突き出す
I turned him in.
to seek: to look for
or to ask for
to deport sb: 〔外国籍の人を強制的に〕本国送還する

They should make him stay in Japan as punishment. That would be ironic, right? Pretty funny right?

Yakuza tone down events, step up relief in efforts in quake-stricken areas

to tone down: to lower the volume or strength of st, 調子が下がる、和らぐ、静まる

to step up: to increase, 強化する, 増大させる

Search for kids orphaned by quake hampered by scale of destruction

to orphan: to kill the parents of a child.
Ex. He was orphaned by the earthquake.

an orphan: a child who has no parents.
Ex: He is an orphan.

Where do orphans live? an orphanage

Fill in the blank:
All orphans hope to be ~ by good families.

to hamper:
to stop or slow down

the scale: the size

I have 20/20 vision. = perfect vision

Saturday, March 26, 2011

ニコニコ動画 Friday, March 25, 2011 Mixed

Friday, March 25, 2011
What happened today?

Mac released their new iPad2!

Breach in reactor suspected at Japanese nuke plant
a reactor= 原子炉
a breach= 切り目、裂け目、割れ目
to suspect=to think
Do you think it's going to be cold tomorrow?
I suspect so.
I suspect not.
X suspect = doubt
to suspect=疑う
to doubt=疑う
X suspect=doubt
I suspect him. = I think he did it (it=st bad)
I doubt he did it. = I don't think he did it.
I doubt your story. = I don’t believe you.
I doubt the tap water in Tokyo is dangerous.=I think the tap water in Tokyo is safe.
America nuked Hiroshima.
America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
to nuke=to cook with a microwave oven
被曝する=to expose to radiation
to suspect=to think
She was fired for breach of contract.
There’s been a breach!
There’s been a breach at the company.=
Someone has broken into the company.
or There is a spy at the company.
The police cracked the case.
He cracked under pressure.
They think there is a leak in the nuke plant

死(亡)者数=the death toll
死者 不明 2万超す
The number of dead and missing
Kato got 死刑
the death penalty
Kato got the death penalty
Kato was sentenced to life.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
He was sentenced to life.
He got life.
終身刑=life imprisonment
宣告する|pronounce; 〔判決を〕sentence ((a person to death)),pass sentence ((on a person)),
Elizabeth Taylor passed away.
My condolences.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nico Nico Douga Class-March 23, 2011 Beginners

March 23, 2011
There you are!
There they are!
I was waiting for you!
Where were you?
Where have you been?
What’s the difference between A and B?
What’s the difference between “Are you hungry?” and “Aren’t you hungry?”
Don't you want to go?
X Why not? = もちろん
I’m scared of snakes.
I’m frightened of snakes.
I’m afraid of snakes.
I’m terrified of snakes.

I'm afraid + sentence.
I'm afraid I can't.
I'm afraid I can't go to your afraid.
I’m afraid not.
I’m afraid so.
Is the water in Tokyo safe for babies?
The water in Tokyo is no longer safe to drink for babies.
~ is no longer ~.
Nomo is no longer in the majors.

I'm no longer single/ happy.
Good one!
safe =形容詞
safety = 名詞
~ is important. a) safe b) safety
I’m a ~ driver.
Get home safely.
You should practice ~ sex.
I hope you get home ~.
Our company has a great ~ record.

My friend was in Fukushima.
Volvos have a great safety record.
Volvos are safe.
My friend was in Fukushima,but he evacuated.
Now he is ~ and sound in Kyushu.
safe and sound = SAFE
sound = 安定している
My house is sound.
This building is sound.
His plans are sound.

His condition is sound.

I have been preoccupied with the earthquake news.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nico Nico March 21, 2011 Mixed Class

Nico Nico
March 21, 2010
Mixed Class

In the beginning...

I am good.
I feel good.


X You talk English good.
You speak English well.
You speak English badly.
nuclear power plant

It was gushing out smoke.
It was spewing out smoke.
He spewed.
He spewed.=He threw up.
Radiation has been detected in milk and spinach.
How are you coping with this situation?
to cope with st
How are people coping with the situation in Tokyo?
The trains are not running smoothly.
People are using bicycles and walking.
People are not using much electricity.
People are trying not to use much electricity.
People are trying to save electricity.
People are donating money.
People are donating blood.
People are donating clothes and blankets.
People are trying to save electricity.
People abroad are sending rescue teams.
Some people abroad are panicking.
People in California are buying up iodine pills.

We need to keep our spirits up.
It is psychologically important.

Yemen's ambassador to the United Nations, also quit in protest over the killings.
in the long the run
He is war monger.
She is gossip monger.
She is scandal monger.


Nico Nico Douga Lesson - March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011
Victor, The Action Teacher
an anniversary

Today is the 10th year anniversary of my uncle's death.

to settle down=落ちつく

to evacuate=ひなん
We are now dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake.
to deal with st
to cope with st
to handle st
to manage st
I managed to drink an entire bottle of whiskey in 2 days.
They managed to contain the radioactivity.
I managed to improve the lighting.
a reasonable reaction
at this point in time
premature=too early
He is overreacting.
It's understandable.
The thing to remember is...
that many foreigners have never experienced an earthquake before.
It's old hat.
Everything was sold out.
People in Kobe were buying up all the water.
People in the affected area are being very considerate.
But people in unaffected areas are being selfish.
They are stockpiling supplies.
They are hoarding supplies.
The news reports have been conflicting.
Thank you for keeping them honest.
I'm going to keep you honest.
Those are my 2 cents for tonight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 13, 2011 - Earthquake

March 13, 2011
They must be very busy.

Useful English related to the earthquake.
犠牲者=a victim/victims
The earthquake hit Japan on Friday.
a survivor / survivors
The death toll is now at over
The official death toll has risen to 10000, but is expected to climb.
to run out of st
What are some things that they have run out of?
They have run out of water.
People have run out of medicine.
People have run out of food.
People have run out of gasoline.
People have run out of body bags.
a sleeping bag=ねぶくろ
a body bag=遺体袋
遺体=a body, a dead body, a corpse
For animals we say, “a carcass.”
The building collapsed.
The earthquake destroyed the building.
The building fell.
I pray for a quick recovery.
I hope they recover quickly.
to recover st=to get st back
They police recovered the stolen car.
to recover=to become healthy again
I've completely recovered.
He fell down.
He fell off the building.
I am hoping for a speedy recovery.
Japan bounced back relatively quickly after World War 2.
計画停電= a scheduled power outage/blackout

It's pitch black outside.
It's pitch dark outside.
天罰=divine punishment, heavenly punishment
His wife was swept away.
The building was swept away.
The entire village was swept away.

Nico Nico Douga - March 11, 2011

An earthquake hit Japan today.
Where was the epicenter?
a devastating earthquake
Nagoya is over 500 kilometers west of Tokyo.
The buildings shook.
I was queasy.
I felt nausea.
I felt like I was going to throw up/vomit.
They have just found 200-300 drowned bodies in Sendai City.
The death toll is rising as we speak.
She is on her way to Hawaii as we speak.
It is a nightmare.
It is nightmarish.
There were a few aftershocks after the main earthquake.
I would think that is a little premature.
She was born 2 months premature.
I think you are being premature.
I thought it was just me. I thought I was sick.
I didn’t realize it was an earthquake.
We evacuated the building.
They taking shelter at the baseball stadium.
Thanks for your....
Thanks for your hospitality.
I'm seriously tired.
I'm seriously thinking of cancelling my trip to Tokyo.
I'm praying for you.
My prayers are with you.
I'm thinking of you.
My thoughts are with you.
My heart goes out to the people of Japan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - March 9, 2011

A boy cheated on a university entrance exam.

Maehara quit his job.
Maehara resigned/stepped down.
a slip of the tongue
I misspoke.
Did you hear about the earthquake?
Where did the earthquake hit?

BBC apologizes for its playful take on double A-bomb victim

What is your take on ~?
This is just my take but....

I'm sorry that you were offended by the program.
They were trying to be controversial.
It's a controversy.
Prices are falling / rising /soaring / skyrocketing.

There has been a rise in the number of empty houses in Tokyo.

The number of ~ has risen/fallen.

There has been a rise/drop in the number of ~.
These houses are eyesores.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nico Nico Douga – March 7, 2011

1TB=1 terabyte
1G=1 gigabyte
1,500 gigabytes ?
How much would you say/that cost?
Prices have dropped. <--> Prices have risen!
Sony raised the price of the PS3.
Prices have plummeted. = to drop a lot
Prices have plunged.
Prices have risen! = Prices have gone up!
Prices have gone up! <--> Prices have gone down.
Prices have plummeted/plunged.
<--> Prices have skyrocketed/soared.
The number of ~ has dropped/ risen.
regardless of your level = level は関係なく
Would you like me to heat that up for you?
Do you want that heated up?
I used to work at Lawsons years ago.

to cover
He covered his head with the fish hat.
Can you cover the rent this month? = pay
My insurance will cover it.
Will your insurance cover this?
Japanese health insurance does not cover car accidents.
I have life insurance.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nico Nico Douga March 6, 2011

Nico Nico Douga March 6, 2011
1. He 試験を受けた。

2. He 試験を受かった。

3. He took a 大学の入学試験。

4. He 合格the test.

5. He いい点とれた。

6. He カンニング on the exam.

7. He 試験中にカンニングをしているのがばれた。
8.He カンニングが



1.He took a test.

2. He passed the test/exam.

Time out: Maehara resigned./ Maehara stepped down.

3. He took a university entrance exam.

4. He passed the test.

5. He got a good grade (on the test).

He scored well.

He got a good score.

He got a good mark.

He got an A.

6. He cheated on the test.

7. He got caught cheating on the test.
They caught him cheating.

8. He was expelled for cheating.

He got kicked out of school for cheating.
Did you hear about
the boy in Sendai?
Do you think he should be punished?
Do you think he should be
given a second chance?
In America this would not even make the local news.
I used to live in NYC.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Nico Nico Friday Questions! March 4, 2011

We have to take our shoes off every time we enter a house.
tired / tiring
work / job
Work is tiring.

That idea is not original.
That idea is tired / tiring.
I worried that...
~ 不安だ。
I'm worried about my trip.
I'm uneasy about my trip.
I'm wondering about my trip.
I'm concerned about my trip.
I'm wondering if Malaysia is safe.
I wonder if Malaysia is safe.

I'm anxious about my trip.
I’m anxious for you.
I'm anxious to start.
I'm worried about our relationship.
I'm concerned about our relationship.
I stress over relationships.
Don't stress over it!
There is no best way to learn a foreign language.
My eyes are drying out.
My pollen allergy is acting up.
I’m feeling lethargic.
I'm feeling a little fatigued.
Doctor: He is suffering from fatigue.
I'm feeling a little sluggish.
I have hay fever.
I take the pill. I’m taking the pill. I’m on the pill.
I took a pill.
I walk my dog everyday.
I take my dog out for a walk every day.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nico Nico 公開 Oscar Lesson! March 2, 2011

Who won for Best Actor?
Colin Firth won (the Oscar) for Best Actor.

What movie won for Best Picture?
The King’s Speech won (the Oscar) for Best Picture.

X Colin Firth played good.
X His acting was good.
Colin Firth was great!
Colin Firth was great in The King’s Speech.
Colin Firth was great as the King.
Colin Firth was great as the King in The King’s Speech.
Colin Firth gave a great performance in The King’s Speech.
He was very convincing.
He was very convincing as the king.
to convince=説得する

His name sounds familiar.

What movie was he in?
He was in Bridget Jone’s Diary.

What else has he been in?
He was also in Love Actually.

What is he best known for?
Colin Firth is best known Pride and Prejudice.
Who did he play?
Colin Firth is best known as Mr. Darcy from the 1995 television production of Pride and Prejudice.

He was on TV.
He was in that TV show.
He was in that movie
I saw him on the big screen.
I saw him on the small screen.