Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 13, 2011 - Earthquake

March 13, 2011
They must be very busy.

Useful English related to the earthquake.
犠牲者=a victim/victims
The earthquake hit Japan on Friday.
a survivor / survivors
The death toll is now at over
The official death toll has risen to 10000, but is expected to climb.
to run out of st
What are some things that they have run out of?
They have run out of water.
People have run out of medicine.
People have run out of food.
People have run out of gasoline.
People have run out of body bags.
a sleeping bag=ねぶくろ
a body bag=遺体袋
遺体=a body, a dead body, a corpse
For animals we say, “a carcass.”
The building collapsed.
The earthquake destroyed the building.
The building fell.
I pray for a quick recovery.
I hope they recover quickly.
to recover st=to get st back
They police recovered the stolen car.
to recover=to become healthy again
I've completely recovered.
He fell down.
He fell off the building.
I am hoping for a speedy recovery.
Japan bounced back relatively quickly after World War 2.
計画停電= a scheduled power outage/blackout

It's pitch black outside.
It's pitch dark outside.
天罰=divine punishment, heavenly punishment
His wife was swept away.
The building was swept away.
The entire village was swept away.

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