Sunday, March 27, 2011

ニコニコ動画: March 27, 2011

ニコニコ動画: March 27, 2011
Hi guys!
How’s everyone doing?
Are you depressed?
Are you disappointed?
What’s the difference?
Well “depressed” just means sad.
But “disappointed” means you were expecting something good…but it turned out bad.

Now remember that in English, “expect” is not always good. Sometimes it just means you think it’s going to happen.

A lot of people translate 期待する as “expect” but it’s not the same.
“Expect” is closer to 予期する in my opinion. What do you think?

Ex: Last night you got really drunk, and insulted everyone. I am disappointed in you.

I’m ~ in you.

I’m ~ the disaster.
depressed about

I’m ~ because I failed the test.

The movie was ~.

The movie was depressing but really good.
Today, let’s talk about how we can say 頑張れ!

頑張れ can mean many
things depending on the situation.
Here are some of the basics:
1) Good luck!
2) You can do it!
3) Do your best!
4) Go for it!
5) Hang in there! (Don’t give up!)
6) Keep your chin up!
7) Cheer up!
8) Break a leg!
9) Keep it up!
Here are some interesting headlines.

Chinese man turns himself in seeking deportation over nuclear fears.

to turn oneself in: 自首する
I’m turning myself in.
to turn someone in: 〔警察や司法機関へ容疑者を〕引き渡す、突き出す
I turned him in.
to seek: to look for
or to ask for
to deport sb: 〔外国籍の人を強制的に〕本国送還する

They should make him stay in Japan as punishment. That would be ironic, right? Pretty funny right?

Yakuza tone down events, step up relief in efforts in quake-stricken areas

to tone down: to lower the volume or strength of st, 調子が下がる、和らぐ、静まる

to step up: to increase, 強化する, 増大させる

Search for kids orphaned by quake hampered by scale of destruction

to orphan: to kill the parents of a child.
Ex. He was orphaned by the earthquake.

an orphan: a child who has no parents.
Ex: He is an orphan.

Where do orphans live? an orphanage

Fill in the blank:
All orphans hope to be ~ by good families.

to hamper:
to stop or slow down

the scale: the size

I have 20/20 vision. = perfect vision

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