Saturday, March 26, 2011

ニコニコ動画 Friday, March 25, 2011 Mixed

Friday, March 25, 2011
What happened today?

Mac released their new iPad2!

Breach in reactor suspected at Japanese nuke plant
a reactor= 原子炉
a breach= 切り目、裂け目、割れ目
to suspect=to think
Do you think it's going to be cold tomorrow?
I suspect so.
I suspect not.
X suspect = doubt
to suspect=疑う
to doubt=疑う
X suspect=doubt
I suspect him. = I think he did it (it=st bad)
I doubt he did it. = I don't think he did it.
I doubt your story. = I don’t believe you.
I doubt the tap water in Tokyo is dangerous.=I think the tap water in Tokyo is safe.
America nuked Hiroshima.
America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
to nuke=to cook with a microwave oven
被曝する=to expose to radiation
to suspect=to think
She was fired for breach of contract.
There’s been a breach!
There’s been a breach at the company.=
Someone has broken into the company.
or There is a spy at the company.
The police cracked the case.
He cracked under pressure.
They think there is a leak in the nuke plant

死(亡)者数=the death toll
死者 不明 2万超す
The number of dead and missing
Kato got 死刑
the death penalty
Kato got the death penalty
Kato was sentenced to life.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
He was sentenced to life.
He got life.
終身刑=life imprisonment
宣告する|pronounce; 〔判決を〕sentence ((a person to death)),pass sentence ((on a person)),
Elizabeth Taylor passed away.
My condolences.

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