Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nico Nico Douga Mixed Class for June 30, 2011

It is the last day of June.
I cut my lip.
I cut my lip shaving.
I was shaving, and I cut my lip
It looks painful.
It looks like it hurts.
Big group tonight!
Forget about it. It’s nothing.

1. Good to meet you.
(past tense? present tense?)

It’s an honor to meet you.
I’m honored to meet you.

2. I’ll take care of it.

3. 熱中症
It must be the heat.
He died of heat stroke.

4. 今お金全然持っていない。
I don’t have any money on me.
on + someone
Do you have any money on you?
A: Do you have an extra pen?
B: Not on me.

Q: Do you have any children.
A: Not that I know of.

Not as far as I know. = Not that I know of.

Dave Spector said that ironically Kan is starting to look like a leader.
He is starting to look leaderish.
He is starting to look Prime Ministerishy.
I wouldn't say that.
Many people are going along with his decisions.
to go along with st = to agree
I can't go along with that.
a hunk= a sexy guy
J-league fined over anti-nuke banner
= J-league fined because of anti-nuke banner
Nuke it for 2 minutes!
to nuke st=to cook it in a microwave oven
The banner directed at the team's Iranian-American manager Afshin Ghotbi.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - June 29, 2011 - Intermediate to Advanced

The bucket is leaking. (leaking=verb)
The bucket has a leak. (leak=noun)
I have to take a leak. 下品=vulgar, dirty

Someone leaked the news to the media.
= Someone told the news to the media.

We have a leaky faucet in our bathroom.
I need to get the leaky faucet fixed.
Water is leaking out of the bucket.
Water is leaking.
He is bleeding.
He is bleeding out.
The water/bucket is leaking. (both OK)
The doctor diagnosed the disease.
The doctor diagnosed the patient.
Shareholders continue antinuke calls in Osaka after grilling TEPCO

antinuke = antinuclear
a call = a demand
to nuke=to cook in the microwave
He nuked his rice.

to nuke an idea = to reject

Stock owners had a meeting.
a shareholder's meeting

Shareholders grilled TEPCO.

Shareholders questioned TEPCO.

Shareholders interrogated TEPCO.

to interrogate to grill to question

He is baked.=He is high on marijuana.

I’m fried.=I’m exhausted.

I’m toasted.=I’m a little drunk.

My goose is cooked. = I'm in big trouble.

Stay out of the ~ if you can’t stand the heat.

Stay/Keep/Get out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat.

Don't put yourself in a stressful situation if you can't handle it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - June 28, 2011 初級

Long time no see!
Hello, stranger!

It’s been a long time!
It’s been a while!

It’s been donkey’s ears!

It was hot today, wasn't it!

I was sweating like a pig all day.

I like you as a friend.

I really wanted to turn/put on the A/C full blast today, but we have to save electricity so I couldn't.

He had the a/c on full blast.
I have this fan on full blast!
I turned on the fan full blast.
It’s on full blast.
I had the radio on full blast.
I had the TV on full blast.
Maggie likes to sit in a cold shower when it's on full blast.


Well, at least according to the TV weather report, it's not going to be that hot tomorrow.

Well, according to the TV weather report, at least it's not going to be that hot tomorrow.
Let's review some HOT idioms!
Hot の熟語を復習しましょう!
1. It's hot! (the weather, the temperature)
2. I can't eat hot food! (spicy / 辛い)
3. You’re hot! (sexy)
4. The ipod is hot! (popular/人気)

Now let's learn some new idioms!
1. I'm in trouble! = やばい状態に入った。
I'm in hot ~.
I'm in hot water.

2. I really like her! =彼女のこと大好き!
I have the hots ~ her.

I'm hot for (somebody).

I’m hot for teacher.

I just got here.
Is it already over?
Are you finished already?
The new ipad2 is selling like hotcakes.
=Many people are buying them.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nico Nico Douga: Mixed Class - June 23, 2011

I am sweating like a pig.
What kind of movies do you like?
What type of movies do you like?
I’m fond of ~. / I’m not very fond of ~.
I like ~.
romantic movies
love comedies
action movies
horror movies
suspense movies
spy movies
artistic movies
science fiction movies
science fiction movies / science fiction / sci-fi
I like all kinds of movies.

I’m not very computer savvy.

I'm a big fan of ~.
I’m a huge fan of ~.
I'm a ~ fan.
I'm a ~ fanatic.
I'm a ~ buff.
I'm a ~ maniac.
I'm crazy about ~.
I’m addicted to ~.
I’m hooked on ~.
I can't get enough of ~.
I'm a connoisseur of ~.
I'm a ~ aficionado.

I'm really into ~.
44) Go ahead, punk, make my day — Sudden Impact
Go ahead=どうぞ!
You made my day!=You made me very happy!
Don’t worry. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.
I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.—The Godfather
I got all the time in the world. *You* don’t, but I do. — Man on Fire
I got fired, so now I've got all the time in the world.

ニコニコ-June 22, 2011 中級-上級

June 22, 2011
monogamy=being married to one person
bigamy=being married to 2 persons
polygamy=being married to more than 2 people

monocycle=a 1 wheel bicycle
unicycle=a 1 wheel bicycle

unicorn=a horse with one horn
unique=one of a kind
a polygamist=a person married to more than 2 people
Should polygamy be legal?
I think it's immoral.
Should polygamy be legal or illegal?
I think it should be illegal.
It will cause too much trouble.
It will cause too many problem.
It would be too much of a hassle.
Getting your passport renewed isn't too much of a hassle.
What about individual rights?
People need to be protected from themselves.
I’m playing the devil's advocate.
I wan to buy a new car. Play the devil's advocate with me.
Drugs can kill people.
So can alcohol.
Alcohol can kill people.
Drugs are dangerously addictive.
That song is addictive! That sport is addictive.
That TV show is addictive!
Some people say that medical marijuana should be legalized.
~ should be legalized.
to legalize st = to decriminalize st
Marijuana should be strictly/heavily regulated.
You have apply and fill out applications.
a 3-day waiting period
Guns should be illegal.
All states must follow Federal Laws.
Utah has a lot of Mormons.
The U.S.A. admitted Utah on the condition that Utah make polygamy illegal.
A "rhetorical question" is a question you are not supposed to answer.
Man is it hot today!
Do you I'm stupid?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nico Nico Douga – June 19, 2011

Nico Nico Douga – June 19, 2011
Let’s have some fun!
How is everyone doing?
The headlines say that the tolls in the
earthquake affected area are going to be free.

a toll road = a road that you pay money to use

It’s free.
Here are some more “free” expressions.
They gave me a ticket for a ~ cocktail.
It’s complimentary.
It’s on the house.
No charge.
It’s free of charge.
It’s a freebie.
It’s gratis.
Gratuity is not included.
A gratuity of 20% will be added to parties of 8 or more.
a party=a group
How many in your party?

Back to FREE idioms:
It’s for the asking.
It’s one of the perks.
This job has many perks.
This job has a few perks.

Idiom: There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Let’s learn some “lunch” idioms:
Let’s do lunch sometime!=
Let’s have lunch sometime.

I lost my lunch. = I threw up.
He’s out to lunch.=He is not in the office.
He’s out to lunch.=He is crazy. ぼけ

He ate my lunch. = He beat me.
I had a liquid lunch.=I had a beer.
No real breakfast idioms.
Dinner idioms!
Dinner is served.
to take sb out to dinner
Let me take you out to dinner.
Don't take this the wrong way, but .... + something that is difficult to say.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nico Nico - June 13, 2011 - Celebrities

ニコニコ-June 13, 2011
Nico Nico Douga – Beginner’s Class
1. Ayako Imoto
What is she famous for?
She is for her thick eyebrows.
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
Is she tall?
No, she is short!
Is she slender/slim/bony/skinny?
She is stout.
A: Is she a chicken?
B; No, she is brave.
B: She is daring.

a celebrity
2. ローラ
I'll now do my Lola impersonation.
She is talkative.
She is a chatterbox.
She has verbal diarrhea.

3.Osamu Mukai
He is cool.

4. Any SMAP member
His star is waning.
I can take him or leave him.

5. Haruka Ayase
She is a natural airhead.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - June 8, 2011

I have a problem.
X I have a trouble.
I'm in trouble.
I don't know what to do.
I'm in a pickle.
I'm having trouble with my ....

2. 私にはちょっと問題がある。
I have a small problem.
I have a little/small problem.
I have a bit of a problem.

3. ご迷惑をかけたくない。
I don't want to bother you.

Could I trouble you for a class of water?

4. ~に問題がある。
I'm having a problem with ~.

5. ~に問題がある。
I'm having some trouble with my ~.

NOTE* not the same as
She got me into trouble.

6. A: Can you help me?
B: いいですよ。
No, problem.
Sure, no sweat.
You bet.
My pleasure.

7. なかなかやせない。
I have a weight problem.
I'm having trouble losing weight.

8. 彼はちょっと飲み過ぎ。
He has a drinking problem.

9. ちょっと不安がある。
I'm a little worried.
I'm a little nervous.
I'm a little worried / nervous / anxious.
He is anxious to leave.

10. ~はめんどうくさい。
That is a pain.
That is a pain in the neck.
That is a pain in the ass.
Koromogae is a pain in the neck.
That is troublesome/cumbersome.

11. 混乱しています。
I'm confused.

12. 女装する=?
He dressed up as a woman.
He wore women's clothes.

I was irritated / annoyed / irked.

Nico Nico Notes for June 9, 2011 - Intermediate

June 9, 2011

inappropriate behavior

1. explicit
I was very explicit about what I wanted.
Anthony Weiner sent explicit photographs to 6 women.

BONUS: I am long overdue for a haircut.
BONUS: a politician=政治家

2. graphic
The photographs were graphic.
The photographs were of a graphic nature.
That movie is full of graphic violence.
This movie has graphic nudity.

3. 下品
He sent women ~ photographs.
inappropriate, dirty, pornographic, obscene, perverted, lewd, vulgar,
nasty, X-rated

4. murder
A man was set on fire by his wife.
What was her motive?
She says he was beating her.
It was a case of domestic violence.
Why didn't she run away from him?
Maybe it was because they had children?
She didn't have to murder him.
Do you feel sorry for him?
Apparently he had been beating her for 8 years.
If she has children, she is irresponsible.
I feel sorry for the children.
Did she have a soul mate?
Am I naive.

We like to hold grudges.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - June 2, 2011 Intermediate to Advanced

Nico Nico Douga - June 2, 2011 Intermediate to Advanced
He pulled a Houdini.
He disappeared.

Airplane annoyance leads to brouhaha in the skies over D.C.

What's the brouhaha over?
What's the big brouhaha about?
political satire comedy show
Funny dirty American Politician's names!
It's sometimes hard to follow.
It's sometimes hard to understand.
Are you following? Do you understand what I am saying?
I'm not following you.

Boehner calls for debt deal within a month

The national debt hit its official limit of $14.3 billion.

I'm in debt. = I’m in the red.
I’m in debt to you.=I owe you.=Thank you!
I'm in debt to my brother.
I'm in debt (to Joe) for 100,000 yen.

I'm in debt to Joe for 100,000 yen. = I owe Joe 100,000 yen.


Conversational English?
I owe $20,000.
I owe Joe $20,000.
I have to pay Joe back.
I have to pay Joe back $20,000.
I'm in debt to Joe for $20,000.

I'm in the red for $20,000.
That car cost me $20,000.
The car set me back $20,000.

How much was it?
How much did that cost?
How much did that set you back?

What's the damage?
Kan survives no-confidence motion, but says he'll quit in the future

to quit
to resign
to step down

Do you believe the Japanese government?
Are they trustworthy?
Are they believable?

I can't trust them.
They are untrustworthy.
They are irresponsible.
They are slippery.
They are shifty.
They are shady.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - June 1, 2011 - Beginner Class

June 1, 2011 - sorry - idioms
1. I'm sorry.

2. Sorry about that.

3. I'm [so/really/very/extremely/terribly/awfully] sorry.

4. I'm sorry to hear that.

5. I feel sorry for you.

6. I don't feel sorry for you.

7. You'll be sorry!

8. I’m sorry to say that....

I'm sorry to say that flight is booked.
I'm sorry to say that flight is all booked up.
9. Better safe than sorry.

10. He's a sorry excuse for a man.
Easy News
Kan's enemies want him to quit
He refuses to quit.

Kaori Manabe quit blogging for a year.
She started blogging again.

Yuya Uchida was arrested.
Yuya Uchida broke into his ex-girlfriend's house.
She wanted to break up.
He didn't want to break up.

Who broke up with who?

Horiemon is going to jail / prison.

He broke out of jail.