Thursday, June 23, 2011

ニコニコ-June 22, 2011 中級-上級

June 22, 2011
monogamy=being married to one person
bigamy=being married to 2 persons
polygamy=being married to more than 2 people

monocycle=a 1 wheel bicycle
unicycle=a 1 wheel bicycle

unicorn=a horse with one horn
unique=one of a kind
a polygamist=a person married to more than 2 people
Should polygamy be legal?
I think it's immoral.
Should polygamy be legal or illegal?
I think it should be illegal.
It will cause too much trouble.
It will cause too many problem.
It would be too much of a hassle.
Getting your passport renewed isn't too much of a hassle.
What about individual rights?
People need to be protected from themselves.
I’m playing the devil's advocate.
I wan to buy a new car. Play the devil's advocate with me.
Drugs can kill people.
So can alcohol.
Alcohol can kill people.
Drugs are dangerously addictive.
That song is addictive! That sport is addictive.
That TV show is addictive!
Some people say that medical marijuana should be legalized.
~ should be legalized.
to legalize st = to decriminalize st
Marijuana should be strictly/heavily regulated.
You have apply and fill out applications.
a 3-day waiting period
Guns should be illegal.
All states must follow Federal Laws.
Utah has a lot of Mormons.
The U.S.A. admitted Utah on the condition that Utah make polygamy illegal.
A "rhetorical question" is a question you are not supposed to answer.
Man is it hot today!
Do you I'm stupid?

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