Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Notes to video on Noda article

Noda appears in eye patch for fight
1. to sport= to wear or have

2. literal=文字通りの

3. to seek to = to look for, to try to get

4. metaphorical=比喩的な

5. It's a metaphor.= 比喩です。

6. awkward = 不器用な、ぎこちない、不格好な、ぶざまな

7. awkwardly = ぎこちなく、ぶざまに、不器用に、気まずく、怪しい手つきで、不自然に、変に、おかしく、不適切に、きまり悪そうに、しどろもどろに

8. a slant = a) 傾斜、傾き, b) a bad word for an asian (〈米俗・軽蔑的〉東洋人)

9. to reiterate = to say again

10. resolve = determination, 決意、決心、決断

11. to extract = to take st out of st, (引き抜く、抜き出す、引き出す)
The dentist extracted a tooth.
I tried to extract myself from the conversation. = I tried to escape the conversation by changing the subject or walking away.

12. mired = to be stuck in st, 《be ~》~にはまりこむ、~から抜け出せずにいる
to be mired in a lengthy recession=《be ~》長い不況から抜け出せない

13. to impose = 〔義務・負担・重圧・税金などを〕課す、負わす、かける、与える
Ex. to impose a tax/law

14. a premiership = 首相の任期[職・地位・任務]

15. to lubricate = to add st to make things work smoother
It could be said that alcohol helps to lubricate the wheels of Japanese business. アルコールは日本のビジネスを円滑に進める潤滑油だといえよう

16. to bang = a) to hit, b) to have sex
He banged his eye on the table.
Slang: He got caught banging his secretary. (下品)

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