Monday, January 30, 2012

(会員)1月30日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2012 - 初級

First watch!
(会員)1月30日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2012 - 初級

Jan. 30, 2012

1. 美味しい
It's delicious!
It's good!
It's yummy!
It's amazing!
It's fantastic!

2. 味がいい
△ The taste is great.
◎ It tastes great!

3. いいにおいだね!
(It) smells good!

4. 何かいい匂いがする。
Something smells good!

5. 今日のご飯は何?
What's for dinner?

6. 君はおなかすいていますか?
Are you hungry?

7. 君はおなかすいてない?
Aren't you hungry?

8. おなかいっぱいです。
◎ I'm full.
X I'm enough.
◎ I've had enough.

BONUS: Enough is enough!

9. 一緒に昼食でもどう?
Would you like to have lunch with me?
Would you like to have lunch?
How about we go get some lunch?
How about lunch?
How about get a bite to eat?
How about we go get a bite to eat?

10. 〜いかがですか?
Would you like 〜?
(Casual: How about a beer?)

11. お飲み物は何になさいますか?
What would you like to drink?
Waitress: What can I get you to drink?
Waitress: What can I get you in the way of drinks?

12. 飲み物は?
Would you like a drink?
Would you like something to drink?

13. お代わりはいかがですか?
Would you like some more?
Would you like another helping?
Would you like seconds?
Would you like a refill?
Would you like another?
Can I freshen your drink?

14. ごちそうさま!
That was delicious!

15. 食べ過ぎたんだ。
I ate too much.

16. 夕食を食べ過ぎたんだ。
I had / ate too much (for) dinner.

17. 食べ過ぎて気持ちが悪い。
I ate too much and now I feel sick.

18. 飲み過ぎた!
I drank too much!

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