Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(会員)02月01日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2012-中ー上 SOPHISTICATING YOUR ENGLISH!

See the video marked:
(会員)02月01日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2012-中ー上 SOPHISTICATING YOUR ENGLISH!

Intermediate - Advanced
Feb. 1, 2012
X Do you have an air-conditioner?
◎ Do you have a heater?

1. I think --> I believe, I feel, I expect, I suppose, I suspect, I would say

2. I don't want to give my opinion but if you force me…
--> Well, if I had to answer, I'd say…

3. I am so tired of hearing (or experiencing) that.
If I had a ... for every time I heard that, I'd be ...
If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I'd be rich.

4. What do you call a bad doctor?
You call him a "quack".

5. What do you call a bad lawyer?
You call him an "~ chaser".

You call him an "ambulance chaser".

6. What do you call a bad actor?
You call him a "ham".

Replace the following capitalized words with a more sophisticated word or words.

7. Who WROTE this contract?
Who "drafted" this contract?

8. We need to MOVE FORWARD.
We need to "f~ a~".
We need to "forge ahead".

9. Would you like an APPETIZER?
Would you like an "hors d'oeuvre".

10. Don't SAY BAD WORDS.
Don't swear. Don't curse.

11. You're WRONG.
You must be mistaken.

12. He DID the surgery.
He performed the surgery.

13. This information is not TRUSTWORTHY.
This information is not r~.
This information is not reliable.

14. He has a lot of HOPES AND DREAMS.
He has a lot of ambition.

"In my humble opinion"

16. He HIT me.
He struck me.

17. He is GAY.
He swings to the other team.

I'd like to hear you're t~ c~.

I'd like to hear your two c~.

I'd like to hear your two cents.

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