Thursday, May 31, 2012

(会員) 05月31日 LEVEL UP! - MIXED (45 minutes)

Mixed class
1. He is not from earth. He is ~.
2. We were going to go on a picnic today, but it rained so we went to the movies ~.
3. Wearing a mini-skirt to work is not ~.
4. If you want to be a good teacher you have to be ~ with the students.
5. Where do you presently ~? =  Where do you live now?
6 . What is the upside to being single?
advantage  = upside
What is the downside to being single?
disadvantage    downside
7. 選ぶ
8. He is dead. / He died.
9. He is wise guy.
10 to announce is similar to “pronounce”
11. condition = shape
His condition is serious.
It's in mint condition.
12. What is a more conversational word for “therefore.”
13. A とB の違いは何ですか?
14. 有名な
15. famous for a bad reason = 2 answers
16. 無理矢理に
17. How many senses do we have?

1. an alien
2. instead
3. appropriate
4. patient
5. reside
7. select, pick, choose
choice (noun)
9. wise = deep intelligence
Don't be a wise guy!
 9. a) 発音
b) to make an official statement
It's in mint condition. = almost noew
12. so
13. What is the difference between A and B?
14. well-known, known for
15. infamous, notorious
16. be force to
17.He has good eyesight.
17. He has a good sense of smell.
17. He has good hearing.
17. He has a good sense of taste.
17. He has a good creative sense.
17. I have a bad sense of timing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

(会員) 05月29日 初級​ MUST KNOW 熟語 ​(30 minutes)

1. I'm about to go to work.
to be about to VERB

2. According to the police the criminal was drunk.
according to SB
to be drunk
drunken + noun

3. It suddenly began to rain.
It began to rain all of a sudden.

4. Do you have a dog?
As a matter of fact, I do.
As a matter of fact, I have 3 dogs.

5. As far as I know, yes.
A: Has he ever been arrested?
B: Not as far as I know.

6. as soon as possible / ASAP
as soon as you can
Call me as soon as you get home

I'll call you as soon as I finish my homework.

7. as well = too

8. as well as = and
Bring a towel as well as your swim suit.

9. He wants 1 million yen for his used car.
to be better off V-ing
You’re better off buying a new car.

10. He’s better off now than he was last year.
He is in a better position than before. = He is better off.
You are better off Ving.

The streets are really crowded today. You shouldn’t drive.
You’re better off taking the subway.

Monday, May 28, 2012

(会員) 05月27日 Must know 熟語 Idioms - MIXED (45 minutes)

0. It’s easy.
=It’s a piece of ~.

1. He told the secret.
=He let the ~ out of the ~.

2. He said something inappropriate.
=He put his ~ in his ~.

3. He is arrogant.
=He has a big ~.

BONUS: He has a big mouth. = He talks too much and tells secrets.

不器用な = clumsy
不器用な人 = a clutz

4. He is very clumsy.
=He is all ~.

5. You made a decision too quickly.
=You jumped the ~.

6. She is a young person.
=She is a spring ~.
I’m not that young anymore.
=I’m no spring ~.

7. We were just talking about you!
=Speak of the ~.

8. Bad friends are a bad influence.
=If you lie down with ~, you’ll get up with ~.

9. My boss got really mad and yelled at me.
He ~ my ~ off!
He bit my head off!

11. He did something crazy because of stress.
He ~.   or He ~ it.

RELATED: He went postal.

12. The judge gave him a strong punishment.
The judge ~ the ~ at him.
The judge threw the ~ at him.
The judge threw the book at him.
裁判長=a judge
裁判=a court
I hope they give him the maximum punishment for his crime.

13. That is MUCH too expensive!
That’s a ~-off.

14. It was too messy so I couldn’t read it.
I couldn’t ~ it out.

15. I don’t believe you!
~ on!

16. Are you joking?
Are you ~ my ~?

17. I admire him. I think he’s great.
I look ~ to ~.

18. I accidentally met my old friend on the street.
I ~ into an old friend on the street.
I (ran / bumped) into an old friend.

19. I’m sorry, but I can’t come to your party tomorrow.
I won’t be able to ~ it.

I didn't make my train. = I was late and missed my train.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

(会員) 05月25日 News English - 中級ー上級 (45 minutes)

May 25,2012
News English - Int. - Adv. Students

I gained some weight.
I gained a little weight.
I gained a lot of weight.
a) I gained 2 kilograms.    or  b) I gained weight 2 kilogarms.

I gained weight. <--> I lost weight.

I need to some pounds.

lose / shed

I didn't notice.

Kudos to you! = Congratulations!
Good for you! = Good job! = Well done!
= Impressive! = I’m happy for you!
It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

What happened in Niigata?
Rescue operation after Niigata tunnel explosion hits snag

~ hit a snag.

We’ve hit a snag.
There’s a snag.

They detected gas in the tunnel.
= They found gas in the tunnel.

Tokyo makes shortlist for 2020 Games

to make a short list

He made it back = He was able to return to home.

a flap = a controversy = a row

the tattoo flap?

It's an invasion of privacy.

a dissenter = someone who does not agree with the group

is lopped off of statue — twice
'Sazae-san' character Namihei's lone lock of hair is lopped off of statue — twice
I know that. = fact
I heard about that. = news

a lone NOUN = there is only one of those

welfare= 福祉

She's on welfare. She's getting welfare.

She is on the dole.
Internet videos empowering right-wing activist group

Lady Gaga refuses to tone down her shows

派手な= flashy, showy, and gaudy

Monday, May 21, 2012

(公開) 05月21日 Useful & Fun English from the movies! - 初級!

Nico Nico Sample Class

 May 21, 2012

Click here to watch video.

an eclipse

a solar eclipse
an annular solar eclipse

1. Did you see the eclipse this morning?
Did you catch the eclipse this morning?

2. 寝坊した
 I overslept. 
I was still catching zs.

3. 凄かった!
It was great!
It was amazing!
It was fantastic!
It was wonderful!
It was fabulous!

4. It was a trip.

5. It was mind-blowing.
It blew my mind.

6. It was surreal.


7. The next one will be in about 300 years.
The next one won’t be for another 300 years.
Dinner is in an hour.
Dinner isn't for another hour.

This kind of thing only happens once in a lifetime.

This kind of thing only happens once in a lifetime.
It’s a once-in-a-life-time chance/opportunity.
once-in-a-life-time = 形容詞

8. You shouldn't look straight at an eclipse.
You’ll hurt your eyes.
You’ll damage your eyesight.

You could go blind.

You might go blind.

You'll go blind.

Thanks for joining us! 

(会員) 05月18日 Useful English! - Mixed!

Click to watch the video.
Nico Nico Douga - Fun English

May 18, 2012
1. Hold on to your horses.  = Don't hurry., Wait
2. Don't get your panties all in a bunch. = Don't be so upset.
3. He's got a face for radio. =He's ugly.
4. The criticism really ~ him. =  The criticism really bothers him.
5. He is so whipped. =  He'll do anything she asks him to do.
6. Whatever floats your boat. = Whatever makes you happy.
7. That was below the belt. = Doing that was unfair.
8. Pardon my French./Go for the jugular. = Go for the most vulnerable part of the body.
to go for the jugular=
9. Pardon my French./ Excuse my French. = I'm sorry I said a dirty word.
10. He put his foot in his mouth.= He said something stupid.
11. Are you pulling my leg? = Are you joking?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

(会員) 05月16日 TOEIC LEVEL UP!- 初級  (45 minutes)

TOEIC CLASS – 初級 May 16, 2012

Watch this video as you go through the exercises...
(会員) 05月16日 TOEIC LEVEL UP!- 初級  (45 minutes)

1. Let’s walk ~ the park.
a) cross, b) far, c) across, d) over

2. Calm down, man!  ~!
a) breathe,
b) sigh,
c) breath,
d) breathing,

3. He was ~ an accident. 
a) on,
b) in,
c) at,
d) with,

4. He was raised ~ a farm. 
a) at,
b) in,
c) on,
d) with,

5.  Get ~ the bus. Get ~ the taxi.

6. 性格
a) character, b) personality
He has a good personality.
He has a lot of character.=
He is honest. He honorable. He is good.

He ran away from his responsibility!
This action showed that he lacks character.
7. characteristic = 特徴

8. 消費税 = consumption tax
税金 = a tax
a consumer = a customer
to consume=to eat
He was consumed by ambition.
He was consumed by .= 〜に夢中

9. I’m really excited ~ this movie.
a) about
I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie.

10.  I’m angry ~ you. 
at / with

I threw the ball at him.     I threw the ball to him.

11. I’m ~ tired.
a) extremely

12. Don’t you think that's a little extreme?

13. a criminal record

14. The judge sentenced him to 20 years.

15. It's a little extreme.

16. He was frozen with fear.
I feel fear.
You have nothing to fear. =  Don’t worry.

17. a fortune = a lot amount of money , your future told to you
She made a fortune selling soap!
18. fortunately
Unfortunately, I'm busy that night.
18. Something happened.
19. I happened to meet Joe on the street.
I happened to know the mayor personally.
Would you happen to know ....

20. 高さで

Monday, May 14, 2012

(会員) 05月14日 NEWS ENGLISH - 中級-上級 (45 minutes!)

Nico Lesson - May 14, 2012
How do you say the following in Japanese?














BTW did you know that the name of  Ghost Ride's alter ego is Johnny Blaze?
And blaze is another word for fire!

7 dead after hotel fire in Hiroshima Prefecture
HIROSHIMA — Seven people were killed when a fire swept through their hotel in Hiroshima Prefecture on Sunday, the local police and fire department said.
“Seven people, three men and four women, are dead. Three other guests remain in a critical condition,” said a local police officer.
Officers gave no further details with the identities of the dead yet to be confirmed.
The blaze broke out at about 7 a.m. at the Hotel Prince in Fukuyama, the officials said. At the time of the fire, there were 13 guests staying in the hotel and one employee on duty.
The cause of the fire, which gutted the 2nd and 3rd floors, was not immediately known, police said.
The 4-story hotel had no sprinkler system and been warned about lax anti-fire prevention measures in at least eight areas last year, fire department officials said.
    The end.
avid, enthusiastic
issue a fine
a pedestrian
, 自治区
a borough
a crackdown
agree, on board
to conduct a study
to veer off
raise awareness

Avid texters beware: Fort Lee, N.J. police said they will begin issuing $85 jaywalking tickets to pedestrians who are caught texting while walking.
"It's a big distraction. Pedestrians aren't watching where they are going and they are not aware," said Thomas Ripoli, chief of the Fort Lee Police Department.
Ripoli said the borough, which is home to approximately 35,000 residents, has suffered three fatal pedestrian-involved accidents this year. He hopes his crackdown on people who display dangerous behavior while walking will make his town safer, but not everyone is on board with the idea of issuing $85 tickets.
"When I walk I still look around. I'm not like constantly looking down the whole time," said resident Sue Choe.
Another woman complained about the tickets were "a lot of money."
Officers handed out pamphlets during a short grace period in March before they began aggressively going after "dangerous walkers."
More than 117 tickets have been issued, according to the New Jersey Record.
Two professors at Stony Brook University in New York conducted a study on walking and texting. They found texters are 60 percent more likely to veer off line than non-texters.
"We want to raise awareness that a real disruption occurs because of texting," Eric Lamberg, co-author of the study, told Long Island Business News. "Texting disrupts your ability much more than does talking."