Monday, May 28, 2012

(会員) 05月27日 Must know 熟語 Idioms - MIXED (45 minutes)

0. It’s easy.
=It’s a piece of ~.

1. He told the secret.
=He let the ~ out of the ~.

2. He said something inappropriate.
=He put his ~ in his ~.

3. He is arrogant.
=He has a big ~.

BONUS: He has a big mouth. = He talks too much and tells secrets.

不器用な = clumsy
不器用な人 = a clutz

4. He is very clumsy.
=He is all ~.

5. You made a decision too quickly.
=You jumped the ~.

6. She is a young person.
=She is a spring ~.
I’m not that young anymore.
=I’m no spring ~.

7. We were just talking about you!
=Speak of the ~.

8. Bad friends are a bad influence.
=If you lie down with ~, you’ll get up with ~.

9. My boss got really mad and yelled at me.
He ~ my ~ off!
He bit my head off!

11. He did something crazy because of stress.
He ~.   or He ~ it.

RELATED: He went postal.

12. The judge gave him a strong punishment.
The judge ~ the ~ at him.
The judge threw the ~ at him.
The judge threw the book at him.
裁判長=a judge
裁判=a court
I hope they give him the maximum punishment for his crime.

13. That is MUCH too expensive!
That’s a ~-off.

14. It was too messy so I couldn’t read it.
I couldn’t ~ it out.

15. I don’t believe you!
~ on!

16. Are you joking?
Are you ~ my ~?

17. I admire him. I think he’s great.
I look ~ to ~.

18. I accidentally met my old friend on the street.
I ~ into an old friend on the street.
I (ran / bumped) into an old friend.

19. I’m sorry, but I can’t come to your party tomorrow.
I won’t be able to ~ it.

I didn't make my train. = I was late and missed my train.

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