Wednesday, May 16, 2012

(会員) 05月16日 TOEIC LEVEL UP!- 初級  (45 minutes)

TOEIC CLASS – 初級 May 16, 2012

Watch this video as you go through the exercises...
(会員) 05月16日 TOEIC LEVEL UP!- 初級  (45 minutes)

1. Let’s walk ~ the park.
a) cross, b) far, c) across, d) over

2. Calm down, man!  ~!
a) breathe,
b) sigh,
c) breath,
d) breathing,

3. He was ~ an accident. 
a) on,
b) in,
c) at,
d) with,

4. He was raised ~ a farm. 
a) at,
b) in,
c) on,
d) with,

5.  Get ~ the bus. Get ~ the taxi.

6. 性格
a) character, b) personality
He has a good personality.
He has a lot of character.=
He is honest. He honorable. He is good.

He ran away from his responsibility!
This action showed that he lacks character.
7. characteristic = 特徴

8. 消費税 = consumption tax
税金 = a tax
a consumer = a customer
to consume=to eat
He was consumed by ambition.
He was consumed by .= 〜に夢中

9. I’m really excited ~ this movie.
a) about
I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie.

10.  I’m angry ~ you. 
at / with

I threw the ball at him.     I threw the ball to him.

11. I’m ~ tired.
a) extremely

12. Don’t you think that's a little extreme?

13. a criminal record

14. The judge sentenced him to 20 years.

15. It's a little extreme.

16. He was frozen with fear.
I feel fear.
You have nothing to fear. =  Don’t worry.

17. a fortune = a lot amount of money , your future told to you
She made a fortune selling soap!
18. fortunately
Unfortunately, I'm busy that night.
18. Something happened.
19. I happened to meet Joe on the street.
I happened to know the mayor personally.
Would you happen to know ....

20. 高さで

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