Tuesday, August 7, 2012

(会員)月曜日 11pm - 08月06日 Mixed - Back in Japan!

1. How was your trip/vacation?
2. Where did you go?
3. Where in Florida?
4. What did you do in Florida?
4b. What did you do there?
Answer: We went to amusement parks and the beach.
5. How long were you there?
Almost 2 weeks? About 2 weeks.
6. How was the weather?
Answer: It rained a couple of days but overall it was good.
7. How are your parents?
8. How is your family?
Answer: Everybody was great!
My dad took 2 weeks off so we got to spend a lot of time together.
I got to VERB.
I didn’t get to VERB.
We got to go to Sea World.
Q: How was it?
A: I was kind of disappointed.
None of the shows were educational.
We didn't get to go to Disney World.
I wasn't impressed.
9. What was the highlight of your trip?
Answer: Spending time with my family.
10. Did you do any VERB-ing?
10b. Did you do any shopping?
10c. Did you do any sightseeing?

action nouns: exercise   yoga    aerobics
Did you do any laundry?

Tell me about Japan?
What happened while I was gone?
Any big news?
Have you been following the Olympics?

I've been rooting for him!
Who have you been rooting for?
to root for sb = 応援する
Are you rooting for China?

Are you rooting for China?
I’m really jetlagged.
I have a bad case of jetlag.

My parents' Internet connection sucked.
sucked = 最悪

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