Monday, August 20, 2012

(会員)Monday 11pm - 08月20日 Mixed. MORE "cool​" idioms.

Who was here last night?
Japan and China are fighting over the Senkaku Islands.
a fight =an argument =a quarrel=a dispute=a row
a fight=physical or verbal

I went to an exhibition yesterday.
展覧会=an exhibition

They had the A/C on full blast.
The radio/stereo/TV/heater/AC was on full blast.
That's why/how I think I caught a cold.
Why did you do it?   vs   How did you do it?
He was cool to me.

Are you OK/cool with st.
Are you OK/cool with me smoking?
No, I'm not really cool with that.
I prefer you not smoke.
It was cool!
It was great / wonderful / fantastic / amazing / incredible / awesome / fabulous!
It was lovely!
It was brilliant!
It was superb!

It was out of this world!
Their pie was out of this world!

She always takes the cake for the most outrageous costume.

She really outdid herself.
He really outdid himself.
You really outdid yourself.
They really outdid themselves.
I think I really outdid myself this time.

You really went all out.
They really went all out.
He really went all out.
She really went all out.

My nose is really stuffy.

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