Tuesday, August 7, 2012

June 22, 2012 Friday - Int. Advanced

June 22, 2012 Friday - Int. Advanced

1. nonchalant = 平然とした、のほほんとした、無頓着な、無関心な、冷淡な

2. DOA = Dead On Arrival

3. I have to get it off my chest.
There is something I have to get off my chest.

4. to outlaw st = to make st illegal

5. NYC outlawed guns in the 1960s.

6. He is an outlaw. = He is a criminal.

7. Come October, YouTube Could Be Outlawed In Japan
come October = in October = when October comes

8. fear-mongering

9. pharmaceutical company 製薬会社

10. ambivalent = having both positive & negative feelings about st

11. I can't make up my mind.

12. amicably = in a friendly way

13. to blackmail 恐喝する
to be blackmailed 恐喝される
He was blackmailed for 100,000,000 yen.

14. hush money
He should have had the blackmailer killed.
It would have been cheaper.
If he had done that, he would have gone to jail.

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