Wednesday, August 15, 2012

(会員)火曜日 11pm - 08月14日 中級-上級 OPEN TOPICS

(会員)火曜日 11pm - 08月14日 中級-上級 OPEN TOPICS

The 10 Unhappiest Jobs in America
Aug. 14, 2012
1. I can't get out of bed. = I’m too sick or depressed to get out of bed.
2. I hate getting out of bed and going to work.
  RELATED: I dread going to work.
3. I'm not satisfied with my job.
4. There are no growth opportunities.
5. My job lacks rewards.
RELATED: There are no perks.
6. I have issues with the culture of my workplace.
7. I don't feel appreciated at work.
8. I'm not compensated enough for my work.
9. I don't feel like my coworkers support me.
10. The hours are too long.
11. I'm on call too much.
12. The schedule is not flexible.
    The schedule is too inflexible.
13. It's just not challenging.

Must know acronyms:
1. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigations
2. BTW: By the way
3. ASAP: as soon as possible
A – S – A – P   or エイサップ
4. LOL: Laugh Out Loud = It was funny.
5. FYI: For Your Information
6: IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
7. BRB: Be Right Back
8. FWIW: for what it's worth

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