Tuesday, August 21, 2012

(会員) Tuesday 11 pm - 08月21日 初級 - Survival English!

We had a glitch.
寝るto sleep
I fell asleep watching the movie.

加える to add

進める to advance
Do you think my English has improved/advance?
He is an advanced student.

答える to answer, to reply
Answer me!
What’s your answer!
Please reply to my email.

現れる to appear
We were supposed to meet tonight, but he never showed up.

彼は病気みたい。He is apparently sick.

He seems sick.

並べる to line up, to arrange

確かめる to check, to make sure, to confirm, to ascertain
尋ねる to ask, to inquire
Hello, I'm calling to inquire about the job advertisement.

付ける to attach
The gun comes with 3 bullets.
The price includes 3 bullets.

攻める to blame to attack

覚める to wake up

Stop dreaming! Wake up!

生まれる=to be born

焼ける to be burnt

I got burnt.
I got a sunburn.
I was burned by fire and was injured.
I had a bad experience.

つぶれる to be crushed
to go out of business = つぶれる
to go bankrupt

負ける to lose, to be defeated

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