Monday, November 19, 2012

(会員)11月13日(火曜日)23:00-初級 Must know English!

(会員)11月13日(火曜日)23:00-初級 Must know English!

Nov. 13, 2012
1. 飲みに行きました。
I went drinking.

I ~ trick treating.

2. 酒は飲みません.
I don’t drink (alcohol).

3. 私は付き合い程度に飲みます。
I’m a social drinker.

4. 昨日は酔っぱらった。
I got drunk yesterday.

5. 私はお酒を飲み過ぎだと思う?
Do you think I drink too much?

6. 彼は 酒が弱い
He can’t hold his liquor.

7. 彼は酒が強い。
He can hold his liquor.
He can really put them away.
He can really throw them back.

8. He drinks a lot. He drinks like a fish.
confusing vs. confused
Japanese grammar is ~.

I am ~.

Grammar ~ me.

You’re ~ me!
interested vs. interesting.
I am ~ in what she said.

I am interested in what she is saying.

I found her words interesting.

面白い a) interesting, b) fun

Is anyone ~ in coming with me to the store?

I'm not interested in Ving.
I'm not interested in noun.
I'm not really interested in fishing.
Boy: Hey, baby! Can I buy you a drink?
You: Thanks, but I’m not interested.
Sorry, but I'm not interested.
Can I interest you in a free iphone? --> Sorry, but I'm not interested.
Can I interest you in a beer?
Might I interest you in a beer?
interest = 利子

How much interest do you pay on your loan?

I am interested in politics.政治に興味がある。
I am not interested in politics.政治に興味がない。
= I'm not really into politics. I don't really follow politics.

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