Thursday, July 18, 2013

(会員)2013年7月18日(木曜日)23:00英会話 Movie Insults!

(会員)2013年7月18日(木曜日)23:00英会話 Movie Insults!
Watch this video on Youtube:

The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time

Insulting someone is considered an art by some people.

The air conditioner exacerbates my cold.

to exacerbate = to make st worse 悪化する

1. Excuse me. Is that your nose or did a bus park on your face?
Excuse me. Are you serious or did you just have a stroke?

2. When you were born the doctor slapped your mother.
When you were born the doctor turned around and slapped your mother.

3. If I had a dog with a face like yours, I would shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards.

4. From " The Princess Bride"
I'll use small words so you'll be sure to understand me, you warthog faced buffoon.

5. You pompous, stuck up, snot nosed English giant twerp scumbag fuckface dickhead asshole.

6. From Star Wars:
You stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nurf herder.

7. You clinking clanking clattering collection of caliginous junk.

8. You shit-kicking, stinky, horse manure smelling mother fucker.

These are my shit-kickers.

9. You dirt eating piece of slime, you scum-sucking pig, you son of a motherless goat.

(会員)2013年7月16日(火曜日)23:00英会話 Feelings!

(会員)2013年7月16日(火曜日)23:00英会話 Feelings!
1. 病気
I was under the weather. = I was feeling a little sick.
I'm a little bit under the weather.
I'm feeling a little bit under the weather.
I'm feeling a bit off today.
I'm not quite feeling myself today.
What's wrong? You don't seem like yourself today.
I very sick.
I feel like throwing up.
I'm sick to my stomach.
I feel nauseated.
I feel nauseous.
I was as sick as a ....

2. もういい! 
That's enough!
I've had enough.  = もういい!& お腹いっぱい (X I am enough. )
I had it!
That's it!  限界!
I'm fed up!
I can't stand it.
I can't endure it.

3. He feels bitter.

4. 好き
I like her.
I am fond of her.
I am not fond of her.
I have feelings of affection for her.
I have a fondness for her.
I have a fondness for animals.
I really like her.  
I love her.   
I adore her.  
I need her.
I can't live without you.
You are my everything.
You are my reason for living.
You are the reason I get up every morning.
She is a part of me. 
She is my soul mate.
I have a deep affinity for you.

emoticon = an icon showing emotion.

(会員)2013年7月12日(金曜日)23:00英会話ライブレッスン キレるを英語で...

(会員)2013年7月12日(金曜日)23:00英会話ライブレッスン キレるを英語で...
I was soaked with sweat.
i had to towel off. 

to lose your temper 

to lose one's temper 

I lost my temper.


I am mad/angry.
I'm peeved. 
I'm ticked off. 
I am miffed. 

I have a pet peeve.

People who say... are my peeve.
I'm ticked off/pissed off/peeved/miffed/teed off.
I'm pissed. / I'm pissed off.

He snapped.  
He lost it. 
He lost his shit.
He blew a gasket.
He blew his lid/top.

I snapped at Maggie.

snapped at me = 食ってかかってきて

I have a handle on things.
I flew off the handle. = I lost control. = I snapped.
He went ballistic.

I'm sorry I lost my cool. 
I'm sorry I lost my temper. 
mad angry furious / seething

(会員)2013年7月08日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Talking about 意地悪

(会員)2013年7月08日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Talking about 意地悪
to bully sb いじめる
He bullied me.

to tease sb ,
Ex. He teased me.

to make fun of sb = 馬鹿にする

a bully = いじめ子

Facebook is a bully.
They will sue me.

America is a big bully.
China is a big bully.

His memories tormented him.

to cause pain on purpose = to torment = to torture

a victim 犠牲者

You can be a victim or you can stand up for yourself.

Stand up for yourself. 自分の利は自分で守るんだ。/毅然とした度を取らなくちゃ。

I think I may be coming down with a cold.

to come down with a cold

I have a mild headache. = I have a slight headache.

A bully was picking on my brother, so I stood up for him.
to stand up to (bully)

North Korea thinks that the USA is a bully.

N.Korea is standing up to the USA.

to bully, to pick on, to push around
verbal = mouth, talking
to badmouth, to rag on

to badmouth, to rag on, to talk about someone behind their back
to tell sb st straight to their face
I told him he was a jerk straight to his face.
I told him  straight to his face that he was a jerk.

malic / malicious

I was just joking! There was no malice in my words.

People sometimes misunderstand me. They think I'm being malicious.
They think I'm being malicious. I'm just joking.

I was just taking the piss.

Don't get angry. I'm just taking the piss.

I'm just pulling your leg. = lying/jokin

(公開)2013年7月05日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Talking about SUMMER MOVIES2

July 5, 2013
He is a drug addict.
He had been in and out of rehab many times.
rehab = hospital for addicts

It is a must-see movie.

It's trailer is misleading.

Robert Downey Jr. plays an eccentric genius millionaire.

a formidable terrorist

a Trekkie

This movie is in the theaters now. It's showing now.

Superman is kind of hiding as a human being.

Brad travels the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic.

The movie had really bad buzz.

a spin-off

extremely muscular

He has a lot of definition.

masculine = attitude / personality

He has a very defined body.

This movie opens this weekend in Japan.


The action scenes look great.

He is huge.

He has become prolific.

Ex: He is a prolific writer.
Ex: He is a prolific serial killer.