Thursday, July 18, 2013

HEY! It's 公開! 2013年6月30日(日曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 文化の違い

HEY! It's 公開! 2013630日(日曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン 文化の違い

Cultural Differences between USA & Japan.

first impressions

1. the handshake
We tend to shake hands.
Avoid the "dead fish" handshake.
Avoid the "zombie" handshake.

2. eye contact
Eye contact is important. It's considered rude not to make eye contact.
It's considered polite to VERB. 
It's considered rude to VERB. 

It's considered polite to stand up when a woman enters the room.
It's considered rude to put your feet on the desk.

3. hugging
hugging greetings
Americans have a tendency to hug when they greet one another.

4. Do not ask age!
A: How old are you? 
B: Uh? I'm old enough. 

5. Do not comment on weight. 
That's considered very rude!
=That's seen as very rude!

How much do you weight / weigh?
やせたいわ!=I want to lose weight.

6 . Sharing opinions.
Giving opinions is important.

Don't be wishy-washy.

7. love: It's HEAVY!
"I love you!" is often light or HEAVY but do not use it in a casual romantic relationship. 

8. Give excuses when you turn someone down. 
I'm sorry, I can't. I have plans. 
I have to work.
I made plans with a friend.
I'm taking my family to the movies.
I'm busy with work/school/my family.

9. tipping
10% / 15% / 20%

10. punctuality
We are often late.
People are punctual.

12. religion is more important

13. apologizing

14. self-esteem

と思います vs. I think
I'm going to…

Today I'd like to...

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