Thursday, July 18, 2013

(会員)2013年7月12日(金曜日)23:00英会話ライブレッスン キレるを英語で...

(会員)2013年7月12日(金曜日)23:00英会話ライブレッスン キレるを英語で...
I was soaked with sweat.
i had to towel off. 

to lose your temper 

to lose one's temper 

I lost my temper.


I am mad/angry.
I'm peeved. 
I'm ticked off. 
I am miffed. 

I have a pet peeve.

People who say... are my peeve.
I'm ticked off/pissed off/peeved/miffed/teed off.
I'm pissed. / I'm pissed off.

He snapped.  
He lost it. 
He lost his shit.
He blew a gasket.
He blew his lid/top.

I snapped at Maggie.

snapped at me = 食ってかかってきて

I have a handle on things.
I flew off the handle. = I lost control. = I snapped.
He went ballistic.

I'm sorry I lost my cool. 
I'm sorry I lost my temper. 
mad angry furious / seething

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