Thursday, July 18, 2013

(会員)2013年7月08日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Talking about 意地悪

(会員)2013年7月08日(金曜日) 23:00 英会話ライブレッスン Talking about 意地悪
to bully sb いじめる
He bullied me.

to tease sb ,
Ex. He teased me.

to make fun of sb = 馬鹿にする

a bully = いじめ子

Facebook is a bully.
They will sue me.

America is a big bully.
China is a big bully.

His memories tormented him.

to cause pain on purpose = to torment = to torture

a victim 犠牲者

You can be a victim or you can stand up for yourself.

Stand up for yourself. 自分の利は自分で守るんだ。/毅然とした度を取らなくちゃ。

I think I may be coming down with a cold.

to come down with a cold

I have a mild headache. = I have a slight headache.

A bully was picking on my brother, so I stood up for him.
to stand up to (bully)

North Korea thinks that the USA is a bully.

N.Korea is standing up to the USA.

to bully, to pick on, to push around
verbal = mouth, talking
to badmouth, to rag on

to badmouth, to rag on, to talk about someone behind their back
to tell sb st straight to their face
I told him he was a jerk straight to his face.
I told him  straight to his face that he was a jerk.

malic / malicious

I was just joking! There was no malice in my words.

People sometimes misunderstand me. They think I'm being malicious.
They think I'm being malicious. I'm just joking.

I was just taking the piss.

Don't get angry. I'm just taking the piss.

I'm just pulling your leg. = lying/jokin

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