Sunday, April 13, 2014

(会員) Friday, April 11, 2014 - Do you believe Ms. Haruko Obokata?

Channel live broadcast
(会員) Friday, April 11, 2014 - Do you believe Ms. Haruko Obokata?

1. She is a liar.

2. She is lying.  
X She is telling a lie. 

3. I believe her. / I don't believe her. 

4. I believe what she is saying. / I don't believe what she is saying. 

5.  She lied.  = She made it up. = She falsified her data. = She fabricated her data. = She faked it. 

6. Her paper has shortcomings.
have a serious shortcoming 重大な欠点がある

7. 草分けの = pioneering, groundbreaking, trailblazing

8. Her eyes welled up.  She teared up. She got teary (eyed). I got all choked up. 

"I express my heartfelt apology for the trouble I have caused many, including my colleagues at Riken and my co-authors, by generating much doubt as a result of my carelessness, inattentiveness and immaturity," she said, bowing twice.

My rewritten version:
I would like to express my sincere apologies for any trouble I have caused,  especially my colleagues at Riken and my co-authors, by creating doubt in my work. I was careless. 

9. She was amateurish.

10. I did not write the papers with malicious intent. 

11. It was an honest mistake.
It was an innocent mistake. 

12. Last month, Riken launched an investigation.

13. It concluded on April 1 that Obokata was guilty of fabrication and manipulation in two instances.

14. She objected. = She filed an objection. 

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