Monday, April 28, 2014

(会員) Friday, April 25, 2014 - Frozen script continued...

(会員) Friday, April 25, 2014 - Frozen script continued...

1. I'm scared. = I'm afraid. < I'm terrified.

2. Getting upset only makes it worse.
Scratching only makes it worse.
Scratching just makes it worse.

Talking about it only makes it worse

3. No. Don’t touch me. I don’t want to
hurt you.

I hurt him. 
I hurt my hand.

My ~ hurts. 

4. Her parents are going on a trip.

X  go on a travel
O  go on a trip/cruise/honeymoon/hike

5. See you in 2 weeks. 
X See you after 2 weeks.
O  See you after the party.  
O  See you after May 10th. 

6. a funeral  

7. a grave  

8. a cemetery  

9. a coffin, casket  

10. People are asking where you've been.  
People are asking about you.  
People have been asking where you've been. 
People have been asking about you.  

11. Have courage.   Be brave. 
Hang in there!!

12. I'm right (out) here for you. 

13. It's Coming of Age Day.

14. She has come of age. 

15. They are going to crown her queen.  

16. Say thank you! or What’s the magic word?

17. Did I just say that out loud?

18.  Oh, me sore eyes.

19. I bet they’re absolutely lovely.
I bet they are beautiful. 

20. She has bed hair.

21. She is drooling. 

22. I've been up for hours. 

23. How long were you up last night? 
How late were you up last night?
Until what time were you up last night? 

24. I didn't know they still did that. 
I didn't know they did that anymore. 

25. Who knew = I did not know/I am surprised
Who knew he was going to say that. 

26. to roam 

27. a ball = a fancy party
I had a ball. = I had a great time. 

Stop at page 14. 

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