Monday, April 28, 2014

(会員)2014年4月28日(月曜日)English Random Lesson

(会員)2014年4月28日(月曜日)English Random Lesson

1. ギプス = a cast

2. 腕の骨を折った= I broke my arm. 

3. 親父ギャグ=a pun, a gag
He told a bad pun.

4. I wrote an essay. It's my first copy. I will rewrite it later. The first copy is called a …
a draft
It's just a rough draft.  

5. You were great! = 
You were awesome!
You were wonderful!
You were marvelous!
You were fabulous!
You were superb!
You were amazing!
You were tremendous!

6. 八百長 = a fixed/rigged match, fixed/rigged
The match was fixed/riggeed.
The election was fixed/rigged.

7. a boat, a spacship = a vessel

8. The flashlight came in ~. 
The flashlight came in handy/useful. 

9. to move up and down -- like going up and down on the water = to bob

10. やる気あるかい?= Are you game?

11. 根性 = He has guts/balls/cojones.

12. to go up a mountain = to climb/ascend a mountain
13. to summit a mountain = to reach the top
14. to go down a mountain = to descend a mountain

15. This word is used to describe a good band.=That band is ~.

16. That's enough for today. Let's go home. = Let's call it a day. 

17. pull = drag, tow, suck, draw

18. carry = bear, transport, haul, lug, tote

19. to take a risk = to go out on a limb
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you are John's girlfriend.   

20. Take it easy on him. = Give him some slack. 

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