Monday, April 28, 2014

(会員) Thursday, April 24, 2014 - 初級 Practical Sentences

Channel live broadcast
(会員) Thursday, April 24, 2014 - 初級 Practical Sentences

Is Obama still here? 

There's a big controversy over money spent on Obama. 

often = しばしば、たびたび、ちょくちょく、しょっちゅう、頻繁に、よく

How often do you play tennis? 

How often does your mother play tennis? 

I never play tennis. 

I almost never play tennis. 

I rarely tennis. 

I occasionally play tennis. 

I sometimes play tennis. 

I play tennis every day. 

I play once a week / month / year. 

I play tennis twice a month. 

I play tennis 3 times a month. 

I play tennis once every 3 days. 

They paint that ball every 3 years. 

every so often = every now again = sometimes



It was better than I thought it would be.

Wow! You are taller than I thought you would be.  

good / better / best

tall / taller / tallest

handsome / beautiful / delicious


You're more handsome than I thought you would be. 

He was more handsome than I thought he would be. 

That movie wasn't as good as I thought it would be. 

He wasn't as handsome as I thought he would be. 

That movie was as good as I thought it would be. 

He was as handsome as I thought he would be. 

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