Thursday, May 1, 2014

公開! 11pm The Action Teacher - Random English Lesson - Fun things to say in English!

公開! 11pm The Action Teacher - Random English Lesson - Fun things to say in English!

Hip is not お尻 in Japanese. That is a common misconception.
How do you say お尻 safely in English? 

a rear-end, a bottom, a backside

I stopped at a redlight. I was suddenly rear-ended.

I was hit from behind. I was rear-ended.

The most common word for お尻 is "a butt".

すいがら a cigarette butt 

Please don't throw your cigarette butts in the toilet. 

He was the butt of my joke.

make someone the butt of a joke (人)をジョークの種にする、(人)を嘲る、(人)を酒の

I made him the butt of my joke.

面倒くさい = pain in the butt 

Koromogae is a pain in the butt.

Switching out my clothes is a pain in the butt.

a pain in the butt = (nice way) a pain in the neck  

Talking to him is a pain in the neck. 

He's a pain in the neck. 

a pain in the neck = (nice way) a pain in the neck 

a pain in the butt = (dirty way) a pain in the ass

an ass = a) ケツ, b) ロバ, c) a jerk 

下品な = dirty, vulgar, obscene, indecent

Don't be an ass. 〈卑俗〉ふざけたことを言う[する]な

逆さま = upside down

反対 = backwards

ass-backwards あべこべに、でたらめな

I got her name ass-backwards.

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