Thursday, May 29, 2014

(会員)Monday., May 26, 2014, 11pm - Basic Vocabulary Booster

(会員)Monday., May 26, 2014, 11pm - Basic Vocabulary Booster

I’m hungry.   
I’m starving.   
I’m starved.   
You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. It’s rude.

I saw him.  He was walking down the street. >>
I saw him walking down the street. 

I saw her. She was wearing a red dress. 
X  I saw her wearing a red dress.
I saw her in a red dress. 

a) I like the way he talks.   
b) I like his way of talking. 

I like the way he talks.
I like the way she walks. 
I like the way you think. 

I like watching her.  
I like watching her eat. 

I took a picture of him.  
He was dancing. >>
I took a picture of him dancing. 

to bet = to gamble 

I bet = I think = きっと

A: How do you like my new watch?
B: It’s really nice. I bet it was expensive.

You bet = Yes. 

A: Do you like the city?  
B: You bet I do.  

Q: Have you ever been to Hawaii? 
A: You bet I have. 

Q: Can you speak Japanese?  
A: You bet I can.  

I have butterflies in my stomach. = I am nervous. 

What’s up with ~? 
What’s up with the t-shirt? = Please explain. I don’t understand why it’s funny. 

It’s on me! 
I’ll treat you. 
Let me get this.  
I’ll shout you out.  

Let me get this. You get the next one…


One jar of peanut butter will last me a month. 

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