Tuesday, May 6, 2014

(会員)Tues. 11pm - Random English Lesson!

(会員)Tues. 11pm - Random English Lesson!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

1. 痛そう!
That looks painful!
That looks like it hurt!
That must have hurt!

2. むくんでいる/
My finger is swollen.

3. どうやって怪我した?
How did you hurt yourself?
How did you do that?
What happened?
Why did you hurt yourself?
Why did you do that?

4. purposely, on purpose, intentionally, deliberately

5. He is good at playing the guitar. / He is a good guitar player.

6. She is a good cook.
X She is a good cooker.
X She is good at cooking.

7. He is good at public speaking.  or  He is a good public speaker.

8. 彼は臭い。He stinks. He is stinky. He smells bad. He reeks.

9. 2万ドルの罰金を科された. I was fined 20,000 yen for speeding.
 I was fined ~ yen for ~.
I had to pay a 20,000 yen fine for speeding.

10. 最近、仕事で忙しいです。
Recently, I’ve been busy with work.
I’ve been busy with work recently.

11a. The party was にぎやか。
11b. The party was lively.

12. to enjoy + 目的語
I enjoyed myself.
I didn’t enjoy myself.
It was enjoyable.
It was not enjoyable.

Did you enjoy yourself? 
Did you have fun? Did you have a good time?

13. 盗作する = to plagiarize
He plagiarized part of his paper. 

14. You are overthinking things.
You think too much.

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