Thursday, May 29, 2014

(会員)Sat., May 24, 2014, 11pm - Talking about ASKA & DRUGS

(会員)Sat., May 24, 2014, 11pm - Talking about ASKA & DRUGS

This lesson was inspired by Aska’s arrest. 

You would look better without a mustache.  

You look like an old movie actor. 

1. 麻薬 = drugs or narcotics 

2. 処方箋  = prescription drugs 

3. 度付き眼鏡 = prescription glasses

4. Drugs are illegal. 

5. Drugs are against the law. 

6. Drugs are contraband.

7. Marijuana has been legalized in Colorado State.

    I think they should legalize .....

8. drug paraphernalia 麻薬道具

9. a gateway drug  =  a drug that opens the door to more dangerous drugs 

10. addictive - 薬などの物質が〕中毒性の、中毒を(引き)起こす、常習的な

11. a person who sells drugs = a dealer 

12. a person who is addicted to something = an addict, a junkie

11. someone who is addicted to a thrill = an adrenaline jukie

13. crack addict  =   コカイン中毒者 = a crack junkie 

14. a crack whore = a woman who is addicted to crack and will do anything to buy more 

15. synonyms for marijuana = pot, weed, grass, dope, mary-jane, bud, ganja

16. meth = メス ◆ 【同】 methamphetamine

17. an upper/a stimulant or a downer/a depressant 

18. Cocaine is an upper. : コカインはアッパー系の[覚醒作用のある]ドラッグです。

19. depressant drug 抑制薬 .   Marijuana is a downer

20. a female acquaintance = a woman you know but are not friends with 
Kasumi Tochinai, 37, was also arrested on possession charges. 
Both ASKA and Tochinai have denied the charges.

21. an illegal substance, an illegal drug, a narcotic

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