Friday, June 13, 2014

(会員)Friday, June 13, 2014, 11pm - Talking about fighting

(会員)Friday, June 13, 2014, 11pm - Talking about fighting

1. You had to do that, didn’t you?
1. You had to ~, didn’t you?
You had to bring your dog to school, didn’t you?

2. I lost my temper. = I blew my top. =
I snapped. = I lost it. = I went postal.

3. That guy really gets me angry. = He really gets my ~.

4. He irritates me. = He gets on my nerve.
He is getting on my last nerve. 

5. to go postal = to go ballistic = to really get angry

6. He is looking for a fight.
Are you looking for a fight?
I’m not looking for a fight.

7. to bait sb
He’s baiting you.

8. to push sb’s buttons = to purposely do st to annoy them
He’s just pushing your buttons.

9. to fight cancer

10. to fight City Hall

11.  to fight tooth and nail = to fight with all your energy
He fought tooth and nail for his job.

12. He is fighting the good fight.

13. Keep fighting the good fight.

14. to fight like cats and dogs
My brother and I would fight like cats and dogs.

15. to fight OVER st
We fought over toys. 
We fought over money.
We fought over girls.

16. to pick a fight = けんかを売る

17, a verbal fight = an argument, a dispute, a disagreement
18. a physical fight = a physical altercation, a brawl, a fistfight

19.  knock-down, drag-out fight 長く激しい戦い、容赦ない争い、徹底的な論争

20. a spat = a small disagreement

21. lover's spat 痴話げんか lovers' spat 恋人同士のちょっとした不仲[けんか]

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