Sunday, June 15, 2014

会員)Sunday, June 15, 2014, 11pm - Talking about 詐欺

会員)Sunday, June 15, 2014, 11pm - Talking about 詐欺

1. My condolences to Japan! = ご愁傷様でした。

2. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

3. 詐欺 = fraud

4. 詐欺罪を犯している = guilty of fraud

5. guilty of《be ~》~の罪を犯している、~で有罪である

6. find someone guilty of murder =(人)に殺人罪を宣告する
He was found guilty of fraud.
found guilty of fraud
《be ~》詐欺で有罪になる

7. 詐欺師 = a swindler
詐欺師 = a con artist, a con man, a confidence man

8. 詐欺 = fraud = a con = a scam
NOT SO COMMON: a swindle, a rip-off, a hustle

9. a long con = fraud that takes a long time to make money on

10. a short con = fraud that takes a short time to make money on

11. deceive, cheat, trick = 騙す

12. to commit fraud = commit a fraud

13. クレジットカード詐欺 credit card fraud

14. under false pretenses = 偽って、偽りの口実を設けて

He was able to gain access to the safe under false pretenses.

15. acting in bad faith  誠意のない行動をすること

16. Someone broke into my car and ripped me off.
Someone ripped off my camera.

17. too expensive = that's a rip-off

18. He ripped off my idea.

19. bribe = 賄賂
He gave me a bribe. (NOUN)
He bribed the police officer. (VERB)

20.  graft = 収賄

21. I got fleeced. = I got scammed. = I got ripped-off.

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