Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014 - Random Idioms

Monday, June 2, 2014 - Random Idioms

Happy by Pharrel Williams
SMAP did not sing.
He agreed to come onto the show and perform under one condition.

1.  under one condition =  ある条件下で

2. to butcher st = to destroy or ruin st
He butchered the song.
They would have butchered the song.

3. That’s a piece of cake. = That’s really easy.

4. That’s as easy as pie. = That’s really easy.

5. It’s a walk in the park. = That’s really easy.

6.  It's as easy as falling off a log. = That’s really easy.

7. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. = That’s really easy.

8. It’s a cakewalk. = That’s really easy.

9. It’s a breeze. = It’s really easy.

10. It’s a cinch. = It’s really easy.

11. It’s not rocket science.  = It’s really easy.

12. It’s a no brainer. = It’s an easy decision to make.

13. It was like stealing candy from a baby. = It was really easy to do.

14. Easy peasy. = It’s easy. 

15. No sweat. = Easy. 
It was no sweat. = It was easy.
16. It was difficult. It was tough. It was hard. = It was not easy. = It was torture.
17. It was torture. =  It was Hell.  
18. It was a nightmare.
19. It’s a pain in the neck. 
      It’s a pain in the butt.
      It’s a pain in the ass.
      It’s a pain in my ass.

20. He’s a lot of work.  = He’s difficult to deal with.

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