Sunday, July 27, 2014

(会員)7月27日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン MIXED & RANDOM

(会員)7月27日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン MIXED & RANDOM

1. 映画の予告編 =a trailer 

2. a very short trailer =a teaser = a teaser-trailer

3. 映画の一場面 = a clip
Roll the clip

4. 〔監視カメラの映像など〕ビデオ  or  〔映画フィルムの〕部分 = footage
never before seen footage, video footage

Headline: Surprise 'Batman v Superman' footage blows minds at Comic Con

5. It was amazing! = It blew my mind!
It blew me away.
It was mind-blowing!
mind-blowingly = very
He was mind-blowingly stupid!
It was mind-blowingly delicious!

The new Godzilla movie just came out.

6. 映画の続き、続編映画 = a sequel

7. a sequel that comes out later but tells an earlier part of a movie = a prequel

8. I’m crazy about ~. = I go crazy over ~.

9. to unleash = to release, to let go, to show

10.  首を切る = to cut sb’s head off = to behead 

11. to decapitate = to behead

12. 切断する = to sever
sever (verb),   severe (adjective)

13. ~の疑いで逮捕する = to arrest someone on suspicion of + crime
      He was arrested on suspicion of + crime.

(会員)7月22日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン BASIC

(会員)7月22日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン BASIC

1. そういえば by the way, speaking of which, by the by, now that you mention it, that reminds me

2. 実際は、実は actually

3. 外国に行きたい。
I want to go abroad. 
I would like to go abroad.

4. Hawaii から帰ってきたばっかり。
I just got back from Hawaii.
I just came back from Hawaii.
I(’ve) just returned from Hawaii.

5. あなたがいないから寂しいです。
I miss you!

6. 空き巣
Someone broke into my house while I was out and stole...
Someone robbed me.  = Someone took something from me.
I was robbed of $1,000.

7. 待ち伏せする = lie in wait

8. 指が痛い My finger hurts.

9. 足を怪我した。 I hurt my leg.

10. I broke my leg. = I broke the bone in my leg.

11. 痛いですか?
Does it hurt?
Are you in pain?

怪我した? Are you hurt? Yes, I am, but it doesn't hurt.

12. ぎっくり腰になる = to throw out one’s back
Example: I threw out my back.  or   My back went out.

(会員)7月21日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン SEA

(会員)7月21日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン SEA

Mac friendly
~ friendly = easy for ~ to use
user friendly = easy for most people to use

1. I'm going to the beach.  or   I'm going to sea.
I'm going to the beach.  = 海に行く, sand, and swimming, and playing volleyball or with a frisbee, maybe fishing or surfing or looking for shells
I'm going to sea. = formal, military expression used when soldiers or sailors go out on a boat for a long trip

He’s at sea. = in the ocean, on a boat, doing his job

I have my sea legs. = I can on a boat comfortably.
I’m getting my sea legs. = I am getting used to walking on a boat comfortably.

A: How are you doing at your new job?
B: I’m still getting my sea legs. 

at sea level = 海水面
 __ meters above sea level = 海抜_メートル

I am between a rock and a hard place.=I have 2 choices. Neither choice is ideal.
idiom: to draw a line in the sand: 譲れない一線を示す
We are drawing a line in the sand. If you XXX again, we will be attack you.

to bury one's head in the sand
She put her head in the sand.

“there are plenty more fish in the sea” or “there are plenty of fish in the sea”
“there are plenty more/of fish in the sea” used to say that there are many other people or possibilities, especially when one person or thing has been unsuitable or unsuccessful Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea.

the sands of time = history, time
The sands of time have not been kind.
The sands of time have been kind.

(会員)7月19日(土)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン NEWS!

(会員)7月19日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン NEWS!

Police hold event to publicize danger of loophole drugs
1. 脱法ハーブ
synthetic drugs
合成の、人工の、模造の = synthetic

Synthetic drugs are chemically laced substances similar to marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine that are sold over the counter
cocaine コカイン
methamphetamine メタンフェタミン

sold over the counter = sold without requiring a prescription

write a prescription 処方箋を書く
The cigar was laced with marijuana. : その葉巻はマリファナが混じっていた。

food laced with poison毒物入りの食べ物

外見上、ある程度 = quasi
There is a loophole regarding these drugs.
loophole =抜け穴、抜け道
conniving 狡猾な、悪巧みをする
Police hold event to publicize danger of loophole drugs.

publicize ~を宣伝する、広告する
I heard he resigned.
I’m sick of hearing about him.
Police raid apartment of 'crying politician' Nonomura
He is an Internet sensation.
“He was sobbing”.   or   “He was wailing.”

He was wailing.

He is a laughingstock.
evidence 証拠
corruption = 汚職

a corrupt politician 堕落した政治家.   腐敗した政治家

a dirty politician  堕落した政治家,   腐敗した政治家

dirty = corrupt = dishonest
a grisly crash site
grisly = ゾッとするような、身の毛もよだつ、不気味な

grizzly bear = グリズリー・ベア、ハイイログマ
Too soon!

(会員)7月18日(金)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン

(会員)7月18日(金)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン

It was a pain.

She had a day off.
I guess she’ll retire in about 5 years. 

I'm thinking about it.

At least I got my money back.

I sometimes watch your videos on my lunch break.

Recently I’m really into the START COOKING app.

What would you say is the worst thing about Japan?

How are you holding up?
I’m OK.  / So-so.

I get nostalgic when I look at the picture.

(会員)7月16日(水)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン

Channel live broadcast
(会員)7月16日(水)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン
1. I like the way he speaks.
I like how he speaks.
X I like his speaking way.
O I like the way he/she VERBs.

2. 一眼レフ = an SLR camera

3. 合併する= to merge
The two companies merged.

4. 上達したい
I want to improve my English.
I want to improve my grammar. 
I want to improve my spelling.
I want to improve my grammar. 
I want to improve my listening.
I want to improve my speaking.
I want to improve my pronunciation.

I want to improve my driving.

5. 夢を見た  I had a dream.
I had a dream about you.

God appeared to him in a dream.
God appeared in his dream.
 have dreams about ~ every night 毎晩[毎夜・夜ごと]~の夢を見る

6. In your dreams! = You wish! (That is not true! or That will never happen!)
7. In my dreams! = I wish! (That is not true! or That will never happen!)

8. ボーッとなった  or ボーッとする =
I am spaced out.
He is spacey.
absent minded
be just a little ditzy

You're really absent-minded.本当にあなたは物忘れがひどいのね。
9. brothers and sisters=siblings
Do you have any siblings?

10. 避難する=evacuate

11. 先祖  = an ancestor
You are my ancestor. I am your descendent.

12. 10 years  = a decade
13. 100 years = a century
14. 20 years = 20 years
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

15. 無視する = to ignore

16. to neglect = to not do what you should do
She neglected her children.
She neglected her body.
You neglected to tell me that the time had changed.
I neglected to record the class.

17. to put sb in jail/prison = to jail sb, to imprison sb, to incarcerate


Monday, July 14, 2014

(会員)7月14日(月)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン

(会員)7月14日(月)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン 


(会員)7月14日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン
1. 4 young ladies were hit by a hit-and-run driver.

2.  believe - verb, belief - noun
Do you believe in ~?
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in Heaven?
Do you believe in Hell?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in true love? 
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe in magic? 
Do you believe in second chances? 
Do you believe in reincarnation?

3. 鼻をほじるな。= Don’t pick your nose.

4. 彼のしゃべり方が好きです。
I like the way he speaks/talks.
I like the way he VERB.
I like the way you think!

5. He has a fever.
He has a temperature.
He is feverish. 
6. He has a slight/small fever.

I have a slight cold/fever.
I have a slight case of diahrrea.
I have a slight case of diarrhea.

7. normal body temperature
I have no fever/temperature.

8. If you are sick, you should ~ medicine.

9. I have the hiccups.
I have the hiccups. しゃっくりが出る

10. He has the measles. / He has the chicken pox.

11. He has cancer. = He has the big C.

12. He went to the hospital. (USA)
He went to hospital. (UK)

13. I have constipation.
I am constipated.


(会員)7月13日(日)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン JOIN US!
(会員)7月13日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン JOIN US!
1. How to stress something using grammar:

She is beautiful. < She is the most beautiful! < She couldn’t be more beautiful!
SUBJECT couldn’t be more ADJECTIVE.
I’m really happy! —> I couldn’t be happier!
A: How are you? B: I’m good! —> I couldn’t be better!

2. How to lessen something using grammar:
Well, look on the bright side. Things could be worse.
3. Look at [on] the bright side. = 物事の明るい面を見るようにしなさい。/いいように[前向きに]考えよう。/プラス思考でいこう。/もうちょっと気楽に考えなさい。
A: My boyfriend is stupid.
B: Well, look at the bright side. At least he's not ugly.

A: I hate my job.
B: Well, look at the bright side. + COMFORT SENTENCE
B: Well, look at the bright side. At least you have a job.

A: I can’t seem to lose weight!
B: Well, look at the bright side. + COMFORT SENTENCE

4. What are the 4 meanings of “C’mon!”
1. 頑張って! Try hard!
2. 早くして!  Hurry!
3. こち来て! Come here!
4. うそ! No way!

5. Synonyms for "rude"
impertinent = 生意気な
impudent  = 生意気な

6. 概念 = a concept, idea, image
My concept of ST

What is the Japanese concept of Hell?
Insomnia in a hot room with no airconditioning.
insomnia = 不眠症
I have insomnia.
I'm an insomniac.

7. 棺おけ = a coffin, a casket
Idiom: put the final nail into the coffin of = ~に終わりを告げる

8. 三途の川 = The River Styx

9. Satan, The Devil, Lucifer…


(会員)7月8日(火)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン

(会員)7月8日(火)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン

 (会員)7月8日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン
1. The opposite of "awake" is...???
awake <―> asleep
I’m awake.

2. She is interested in other people's business. She is ....??????

3. She cannot leave her bed. She is ~.

4. I feel sick. I want to 吐く!
vomit / throw up

5. I feel nauseous. 吐き気がする。

6. むかむか nausea = queasy

7. 引け逃げ = hit and run
It was a hit and run.

8. You are really beautiful. = You couldn’t be more beautiful.
You are really wrong. = You couldn’t be more wrong.
He is really big. = He couldn’t be bigger.
How are you? = I’m good. (I’m fine.)
How are things?  Things couldn't be better!

9. That is a waste of time.
That is a waste of money.
That is a waste of energy.
That is a waste of effort.
That is a waste of emotion.
That is a waste of your talent.
I spent 5 hours there for nothing.

10. I worked every day for 5 days. = I worked for 5 days in a row.
      I worked every day for 5 days. = I worked for 5 days straight.
      I worked every day for 5 days. = I worked for 5 days consecutively.
      I worked every day for 5 days. = I worked for 5 consecutive days.

July 4, 2014 -

July 4, 2014
No video exists for this lesson

I’m independent.

Some people will tell you that you cannot call the USA, “America.”

The United States of America is also called the USA, US, United States or sometimes America.

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued, establishing the United States of America.
The US is the 4th largest country in the world by land area and 3rd by population.

The US has the world's largest economy.
Japan is homogenous.
The US is a diverse country with a multicultural society.
The most populated city in the US is New York City, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago.
The most popular team sports in the US are American football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey.
English is the most commonly spoken language in the US, followed by Spanish.
What country originally owned Alaska?

What is the current population of America?
If you have $XXX  in your pocket and no debts, you are wealthier than 25% of all Americans.
Answer: $5, $10, $100, $1,000, $10,000

What percent of Americans claim they never bathe.  7%

(会員)英会話生放送レッスン Thursday, July 3, 2014, 11pm - More useful but FUN expressions!

(会員)英会話生放送レッスン Thursday, July 3, 2014, 11pm - More usefuld

1. a yahoo = a country bumpkin, a redneck, a yokel, a hillbilly, a hick, a rube,
He's a local yokel.

2. derogatory = insulting

3. 笑い者 = a laughingstock
Nonomura has become an international laughingstock.

4. 悪名高い = infamous
He became infamous for that viral video.
5. a viral video = a very popular video
6.  to bite the hand that feeds you
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you .

7. Don’t shit where you eat.
Don't mix business with pleasure.
I don’t like to mix business with pleasure.

8. to go south = to go bad, to go down in price
Things went south. = Things became bad.

9. I live up north. I live down south. I live back east. I live out west.

10. That’s a piece of cake!

11. I’ll take a rain check.

12. There’s no use crying over spilt milk.

13. You’re barking up the wrong tree.

14. 噂をすればかげ。
Speak of the devil.
Hey, speak of the devil! We were just talking about you.

(公開)英会話生放送レッスン Tuesday, July 1, 2014, 11pm - Let's have FUN

(公開)英会話生放送レッスン Tuesday, July 1, 2014, 11pm - Let's have FUN
1. ゴマスリする
to brown-nose
He is always brown-nosing.
to kiss-ass
He is such a kiss-ass.

to polish sb’s apple
He is a bit of an apple polisher.

2. ass = ケツ
He/She has a nice ass.
bottom / rear-end
I bruised my rear-end.

3. kick-ass=cool 形容詞
He has a kick-ass XXXXX.
I kicked ass today!
Man, you kicked ass!  = Good job!

4. body
He has a nice body.
She has a nice body.

You have a nice figure.

5. style = X body、体
You have a nice figure.
You have a nice body.
I like your body. (kind of sexy)

I like your style. = I like the way you do things. = I like your attitude.
He has a good attitude.

6. a) character, b) personality, c) attitude
性格 = personality
He has a great personality. = He is interesting. / He is funny. 
He has character. = He is honest. = I trust him.
He is a man of low character. = He is a dishonest person.
I’m sorry for my bad attitude today. = I was in a bad mood.

7. sexist: 性差別、racist: 人種差別、ageist 年齢差別の
sexy, sexier, sexiest

8. He is a snob. = He thinks his status is higher than other people’s status.