Sunday, July 27, 2014

(会員)7月19日(土)23:00 〜 英会話生放送レッスン NEWS!

(会員)7月19日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン NEWS!

Police hold event to publicize danger of loophole drugs
1. 脱法ハーブ
synthetic drugs
合成の、人工の、模造の = synthetic

Synthetic drugs are chemically laced substances similar to marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine that are sold over the counter
cocaine コカイン
methamphetamine メタンフェタミン

sold over the counter = sold without requiring a prescription

write a prescription 処方箋を書く
The cigar was laced with marijuana. : その葉巻はマリファナが混じっていた。

food laced with poison毒物入りの食べ物

外見上、ある程度 = quasi
There is a loophole regarding these drugs.
loophole =抜け穴、抜け道
conniving 狡猾な、悪巧みをする
Police hold event to publicize danger of loophole drugs.

publicize ~を宣伝する、広告する
I heard he resigned.
I’m sick of hearing about him.
Police raid apartment of 'crying politician' Nonomura
He is an Internet sensation.
“He was sobbing”.   or   “He was wailing.”

He was wailing.

He is a laughingstock.
evidence 証拠
corruption = 汚職

a corrupt politician 堕落した政治家.   腐敗した政治家

a dirty politician  堕落した政治家,   腐敗した政治家

dirty = corrupt = dishonest
a grisly crash site
grisly = ゾッとするような、身の毛もよだつ、不気味な

grizzly bear = グリズリー・ベア、ハイイログマ
Too soon!

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