(会員)7月27日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン MIXED & RANDOM
1. 映画の予告編 =a trailer
2. a very short trailer =a teaser = a teaser-trailer
3. 映画の一場面 = a clip
Roll the clip
4. 〔監視カメラの映像など〕ビデオ or 〔映画フィルムの〕部分 = footage
never before seen footage, video footage
Headline: Surprise 'Batman v Superman' footage blows minds at Comic Con
5. It was amazing! = It blew my mind!
It blew me away.
It was mind-blowing!
mind-blowingly = very
He was mind-blowingly stupid!
It was mind-blowingly delicious!
The new Godzilla movie just came out.
6. 映画の続き、続編映画 = a sequel
7. a sequel that comes out later but tells an earlier part of a movie = a prequel
8. I’m crazy about ~. = I go crazy over ~.
9. to unleash = to release, to let go, to show
10. 首を切る = to cut sb’s head off = to behead
11. to decapitate = to behead
12. 切断する = to sever
sever (verb), severe (adjective)
13. ~の疑いで逮捕する = to arrest someone on suspicion of + crime
He was arrested on suspicion of + crime.
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