Monday, July 14, 2014

(公開)英会話生放送レッスン Tuesday, July 1, 2014, 11pm - Let's have FUN

(公開)英会話生放送レッスン Tuesday, July 1, 2014, 11pm - Let's have FUN
1. ゴマスリする
to brown-nose
He is always brown-nosing.
to kiss-ass
He is such a kiss-ass.

to polish sb’s apple
He is a bit of an apple polisher.

2. ass = ケツ
He/She has a nice ass.
bottom / rear-end
I bruised my rear-end.

3. kick-ass=cool 形容詞
He has a kick-ass XXXXX.
I kicked ass today!
Man, you kicked ass!  = Good job!

4. body
He has a nice body.
She has a nice body.

You have a nice figure.

5. style = X body、体
You have a nice figure.
You have a nice body.
I like your body. (kind of sexy)

I like your style. = I like the way you do things. = I like your attitude.
He has a good attitude.

6. a) character, b) personality, c) attitude
性格 = personality
He has a great personality. = He is interesting. / He is funny. 
He has character. = He is honest. = I trust him.
He is a man of low character. = He is a dishonest person.
I’m sorry for my bad attitude today. = I was in a bad mood.

7. sexist: 性差別、racist: 人種差別、ageist 年齢差別の
sexy, sexier, sexiest

8. He is a snob. = He thinks his status is higher than other people’s status.

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