Monday, October 27, 2014

(会員)10月27日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - MORE Fun Idioms

(会員)1027日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - MORE Fun Idioms

You will see my bed hair. 

From last week’s lesson:

13. When pigs fly.   =Never.

14. The whole enchilada. =Everything.

15. He drinks like a fish.  =He drinks a lot. 


16. He doesn’t know his elbow from a hole in the ground. 

      He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. 

      He doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. 

      = He doesn’t know anything.

17. It was like taking candy from a baby.

18. That show jumped the shark.  

19. He swears like a sailor.

20. He wouldn’t know a good ~ if it hit him in the face.

      He wouldn’t know a good ~ if it sat on him. 

      He wouldn’t know a good ~ if it punched him in the face.

      He wouldn’t know a good ~ if you fell over one.

They are testing him for Ebola. 

They are testing him for Ebola. 

They are checking him for Ebola. 

He’s a foreign journalist living in Japan.  

外国籍 foreign nationality

He was running a fever of 37.8 degrees .

Friday, October 24, 2014

(会員)10月24日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Fun Idioms

(会員)10月24日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Fun Idioms

1. That guy is out to lunch.
He is spacey.

2. I’m all thumbs.
I am clumsy.

3. I’m all ears.
I’m listening to you.

4. He’s lost his marbles.
He has become crazy.

5. I need some elbow space.
I need some space.

6a. That guy is chicken.
6b. That guy is a chicken.

7. A little bird told me.
Someone told me but I don’t want to tell you who told me.

8. He’s a bird brain.
He is stupid.

9. He’s  bone head.
He is stupid.

10. Can I have a word?
Can I talk to you?

11. They had words.
They had a fight.

12. I have a bone to pick with you.  
I have a complaint.

13. When pigs fly. 

14. The whole enchilada.

15. He drinks like a fish.
He can drink a lot. = He can hold his liquor.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Notes for TWO Daily Lessons for Oct. 22, 2014

Notes for Daily Lessons for Oct. 22, 2014

Video 1:
The Action Teacher. infrastructure インフラ
I think I’ve got it all figured out.
You can find trending topics.
They were badmouthing a few of my friends and myself. But they praised one of my friends.
This is proof that reddit knows its shit.
to know one’s shit = to be very knowledge
That guy really knows his shit. = He knows a lot about something.
He knows he’s shit. = He knows that he is bad.
I know I’m shit. / I know my shit.
Reddit knows it’s shit.
Reddit knows its shit.
You are shit. = You are terrible.
I am shit at the guitar. = I’m a terrible guitar player.
I am the shit. = I am great.
You are the shit! = You are great!
exclamation mark = !

Video 2:
US urges Japan to be bolder in opening markets
urge: 促す、要請する、勧める
You should do that!
bold = brave
open a market 市場を切り開く
Court orders Facebook to reveal revenge porn IP addresses
to comply = to obey
Britain’s government has proposed creating a new criminal offense of posting “revenge porn”, punishable by a maximum jail term of two years.

(会員)10月21日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)10月21日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. Denver Broncos 

2. 小渕優子

3. 在特会 = The Citizens Group That Will Not Forgive Special Privileges for Koreans in Japan

4. 宮澤洋一 Miyazawa Youichi

5. ~ is trending now.

6. Miyazawa Youichi  will replace Obuchi.

7. Oscar Pistorius sentenced to 5 years in prison.

8. a prosthetic =《医》人工装具

prosthetic arm 義肢

prosthetic leg 義足

9. He threatened me.

He threatened to quit. 

10. I called his bluff.

11. to be sentenced to ~ years in prison = 懲役_年の判決を受ける

12. culpable homicide = blameable murder

culpable 責められるべき、とがむべき、非難に値する

homicide = murder


13. He is a fashion icon.

14. Amal Alamuddin wore de la Renta when she married actor George Clooney in Venice last month.

She wore de la Renta.

Who are you wearing tonight?

15. He makes a woman look like a woman, feel like a woman.

He makes a woman look like a woman.

He makes a woman feel like a woman.

You make me feel like a ~.

You make me feel like a man.

You make me feel like a woman.

You make me feel like an idiot.

That guy is so stupid, he makes me feel like a genius.

That guy is so stupid, he made me feel smart.

16. She makes me feel good.

      She makes me feel better.

Talking to her makes me feel better.

My daughter makes me feel happy. 

My job makes me feel like + 文章

My job makes me feel like I’m crazy.

My job makes me feel like I’m making the world a better place.

You make me feel like a better person.

You make me feel like a jerk.

Monday, October 20, 2014

会員)10月20日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

会員)10月20日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

continued from yesterday’s lesson…

10. to force sb’s hand = to force someone to do st that they did not want to

Ex: She threatened to quit her job if she did not get a raise. When the boss refused she tried to force his hand by quitting, but the boss refused to change his mind.

11.  to bluff = to threaten to do st that you have no intention of doing

Ex: She said she would quit her job if she did not get a raise, but I think she’s bluffing.

12. to call sb’s bluff = to challenge sb to do st that you think is a lie

Ex: My son threatened to punch me if I did not leave his room, but I knew he was bluffing so I called his bluff and dared him to hit me.


1. Abe suffered a setback when Obuchi resigned.

2. to quit. < to resign = to step down

3. to acknowledge = to accept
She did not acknowledge any wrongdoing.

4. a discrepancy = a difference in information
She needs to focus on an investigation into the financial discrepancies.

5. euthanasia = 安楽死

6. to botch
They had to pay for costly repairs because of botched DIY videos.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

(会員)10月19日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Poker Idioms - Part 1

(会員)10月19日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Poker Idioms- Part 1
Poker Idioms - Part 1

The weather report is calling for rain.

1. Ante up! = Time to give the basic fee. Time to pay your share.
Ex: OK! I need $10 each for the party. Everyone ante up!

2. to up the ante = to increase the risk of st
Ex: He decided to up the ante and quit his day job to concentrate on music.
He decided to up the ante and quit his day job to work on his new company.

3. to have an ace up one’s sleeve = to have a secret weapon
A: Don’t worry! I’ll get the job.
B: How can you be sure?
A: Easy! I’ve got an ace up my sleeve.
B: Really? What?
A: My father and the company boss are old  friends.

4. to play one’s cards close to the chest = to be secretive about your plans and thoughts.
Ex: I like to play my cards close to my chest when I’m negotiating.
Ex: I like to play my cards close to my chest when I’m writing.

5. to play the hand/cards you are dealt = to do the best you can with what you have
Ex: I wasn’t born rich or smart, but there is no use complaining. I just have to play the hand I’ve been dealt.
I just have to play the card I’ve been dealt.

6. to play one’s cards right = to do things to be successful (work hard, etc.)
Ex: I just joined the company, but if I play my cards right I think I can get promoted next year.

7. to be dealt a bad hand = to be unlucky
Ex: Cancer? Wow. That’s tough. You got dealt  a bad hand.

8. to put one’s cards on the table = to be honest about your plans
Ex: I decided to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt.

9. sb’s strong suit = sb’s strength
Ex: Teaching kids is my strong suit.
Ex2: Teaching kids isn’t my strong suit.
~ isn’t my strong suit.
Kids aren’t my strong suit.


Friday, October 17, 2014

(会員)10月17日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - NEWS!

(会員)10月17日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - NEWS!

1. It was a random act of violence.

2. It was a senseless crime.

3. There was no motive.

4. Japan is infamous for the hornets.

5. I was stung by a hornet.

6. That stings!

That stings. = That smarts. = That's painful.

7.  She apologized for the misuse of funds. 

8.  She apologized for the misappropriation of funds. 

9. Because it's a slow news day.

It must be a slow news day.

10. There is no cure.

11. contagious

His enthusiasm was contagious. 

Her laughter was contagious.

12. They are going bankrupt. 

They will file for bankruptcy.

They are in bankruptcy court.

13. That's the story of my life!

14. They are scaling down the floats.

15. The government is giving the maglev project the green light.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

(会員)10月16日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - driving idioms

(会員)10月16日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - driving idioms

Please overlook my rudeness.

Please overlook my indiscretion.

I'll overlook your indiscretion.

Please be discreet about this. このことについては口外しないでください。

use one's discretion 手心を加える、手加減する、自分で物事を判断する、物事を慎重にする
commit an indiscretion 了見違いなことをする、失態を演じる

overlook a mistake 過ちを黙認する、誤りを見落とす、失敗を大目に見る
1. I went to work by car.
—> I drove to work.  (= better)

2. ~ the car.

3. I put the key into the ~, but the car wouldn’t start.

4. ~ your seatbelts!

5. ~ on your turn signal.

6. Take a right. = Turn right.  = Make a right. = ~ a right.

7. Japanese sometimes put the car in ~ at a red light.

8. He ~ the car ~.
     He backed out of the parking lot.

9. I ~ a dog.
9b. I ~ ~  a dog.

10. I ~ my car.

11. I had a small accident. = I had a ~ ~.

12. I completely destroyed my car. = I totaled my car.

13. お釜ほられた。I got ~ ended.

ANOTHER MEANING: to back st up = to support st with power or evidence
I'll b ack you up. = I'll support you.
I think he’s lying, but I can’t back it up.

2. start, 3. ignition, 4. fasten,/put on/buckle, 5.  put , 6. Hang, 7. park, 8. backed / up, 9. hit, 9b. ran over, 10. crashed, 11. fender bender. 12. totaled,

Monday, October 13, 2014

(会員)10月13日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sports idioms

(会員)10月13日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sports idioms

1. He’s doing a great job and is being very successful. = He’s ~ 1,000.

2. What’s the strategy = What’s the ~ plan?

3. You supported the wrong guy. = You backed the wrong ~.

4. Everything is at a good and acceptable level. = Everything is up to ~.

Is everything up to ~?

Yes, everything is up to ~. 

5. You are trying to do something that is too difficult for you. = You are out of your ~.
= I’m beyond my ~.

5b.  You are out of your depth. = You are in over your ~.
I shouldn't have entered this race. I'm in over my head.

6. You made a premature decision. = You jumped the ~.

7. That came out of left field. = That was unexpected.

8. ping pong!  (Japanese) = Bingo! = Bullseye!

9. He is the boss. = He calls the ~.

Answers: 1. batting, 2. game, 3. horse, 4. par, 5. depth, 5b. head, 6. gun, 9. shots

1. bat a thousand= to be successful in everything that you do
2. game plan= strategy (from the game of football)
3. to back the wrong horse = - to make the wrong choice and support the wrong person / thing (from horse racing)
4. to be up to par = to be at an acceptable and expected quality or level
5. to be out of one’s depth. = in water that is too deep, doing something that is too difficult for one's ability
5b. to be in over one’s head = same as No. 5
6. to jump the gun = to make a premature decision or judgement
9. call the shots = to control something, to make the rules (from calling the shots in billiards or pool)
call the shots = to be the boss, to be in control
EXTRA: He’s the head honcho. He’s the big cheese. He’s the top banana.

10. slam dunk = a dramatic success, a sure thing, a dramatic forceful dunk shot in basketball

(会員)10月11日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - random

(会員)10月11日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - random

1. You should be out having fun!

You should be VERBing. = Why aren’t you VERBing right now.

You didn’t get the promotion? You should be the boss.

a promotion = 昇進

should be VERBing = I am not VERBing and I’m not happy.

I had planned to go to the beach, but I suddenly had to work today.  I should be sitting on the beach right now.

I was going to fly to Hawaii, but when my boss died all the employees had to cancel their vacations. 

I should be on a plane headed to Honolulu right now.

Look at the time! It’s late. I should be going!

I should be on the beach right now.

I should be the boss.

You should be married with children by now.

Mother —> children: You should be in bed!

You should be ashamed of yourself! = 恥を知れ!

He should be at work. / They should be at school.

My name should be on the list.


I’m still a little sick, but I should be OK by Tuesday.

A: I just sent you an email. It should be in your IN box.  
B: I just checked. It’s not there.
A: Well, I just sent it a few seconds ago. So you should get it soon.
B: I never got your mail.
A: Check your SPAM box. It must be there.

Someone is in a difficult situation: Hang in there!
Someone is going to give a speech: Break a leg!
Your friend wants to ask someone on a date: Go for it!, Good luck!
I’m crossing my fingers. = I’m praying. / I’m hoping.

Cross your fingers for me.

I just took a test. I hope I passed: I think I passed. Knock on wood.
If you say something a bit optimistic, you can add: Knock on wood!
to go the extra mile = to try really hard  = to do more than necessary = to do more than is expected of you
Ideas? Email me at:

(会員)10月10日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - studying

(会員)10月10日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - studying

1. apparently

2. to hit the books = to start studying
It’s time to hit the books.

3. to buckle down and study = to get serious and study
3b. to buckle down and work = to get serious and work

4. to pull an all-nighter = to stay up all night studying or working, etc.
I stayed out all night. = at a disco or drinking

5. I’m a quick study. = I can learn st quickly.

6. to study up on st.
I'm studying up on cats, because my wife wants to buy a cat.
My wife wants to buy a cat, so I’ve been studying up on cats.

7. They are studying the Ebola virus.

8. I have to study for my test.

9. I have to study for my written test.

10. I have to practice for my driving test.

11. a teacher's pet = the teacher’s favorite student
He’s the teacher’s pet.

12. to brown-nose = to kiss ass
He is always brown-nosing the boss.
He is always kissing the boss’s ass.
He is always sucking up to the boss.
He is a yes man.

Old fashion:
He has a reputation for apple-polishing.

He is a sycophant. = He’s a brown-noser. = He’s an ass-kisser.

13. to pass with flying colors= He did very well on the test.
He passed the test with flying colors.

(会員)10月4日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)10月4日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. sniffly

2. I’ve got a bit of a cold.

3. He is seriously sick.

4. Is it serious?
No, it’s not serious. 
No, it’s nothing serious.

5. He has cancer.   = He has the big C.
He’s fighting cancer. 
He’s battling cancer. 
He lost his battle/fight with cancer.

6. It’s breast cancer week.

7. They wear pink to help raise awareness.

8. There is an ebola scare in the USA right now.

9. The Ebola Virus.  Ebola hemorrhagic fever

10. to hemorrhage = to bleed, 大出血する、大損失を被る、大赤字を出す
11. 診断される = to be diagnosed
Only one person has been diagnosed with the Ebola Virus.

12. He came in contact with about 100 people.
to come in contact with = 接触する

13. He caught a cold from his daughter. 
He contracted the virus from his daughter. 

14. He was infected.

15. Laughter is infectious.

16. The water is contaminated. = polluted

17. He contaminated my daughter.

18. I’m as sick as a dog.  (usually throwing up)

19. to call in sick = to call work and tell them you are not coming because you are sick

20. to be sick of st = I’m sick of that TV show.
I’m tired of that TV show. <  I’m sick of that TV show.
21. I never get tired of ~.

(公開)9月30(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(公開)9月30(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. st was a slap in the face.
That offer was a slap in the face.

2. It’s a rat race.
Time to go back to the rat race.

3. It's a jungle out there.

4. What’s the body count?

5. I’m checking out.

6. I swear I didn’t watch it.

Fact / Opinion:
I swear he’s crazy.
I swear I love you.
I swear I’ll never do it again.

7. I had a a bachelor party.

8. Women have hen parties.
   She had a hen party.

9. Miss? Miss, can I have another one of these, please?
Another cup of coffee.   
I’ll take another cup of coffee. 
I’ll have another cup of coffee.

Can I get another cup of coffee?
Can I have another cup of coffee?
I would like another cup of coffee, please.
Could you bring me another cup of coffee, please?

10. I mistook you for a woman.
I was mistaken for a 20 year old.

11. You look kind of familiar.

12. I get that all the time.

13. I guess I just have one of those faces.
He just has one of those faces.
He just has one of those faces.

14. He just has one of those personalities.

15. And now for our loser of the week. This week it's a no-brainer.
It's a no-brainer. = It’s easy to decide.

16. He is a bonehead.
He made a bonehead decision. 

17. cool = かっこういい
    cool = 大丈夫, no problems
It's cool. = No problem.

18. Good job, Einstein! = You did something stupid.