Monday, October 13, 2014

(会員)10月10日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - studying

(会員)10月10日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - studying

1. apparently

2. to hit the books = to start studying
It’s time to hit the books.

3. to buckle down and study = to get serious and study
3b. to buckle down and work = to get serious and work

4. to pull an all-nighter = to stay up all night studying or working, etc.
I stayed out all night. = at a disco or drinking

5. I’m a quick study. = I can learn st quickly.

6. to study up on st.
I'm studying up on cats, because my wife wants to buy a cat.
My wife wants to buy a cat, so I’ve been studying up on cats.

7. They are studying the Ebola virus.

8. I have to study for my test.

9. I have to study for my written test.

10. I have to practice for my driving test.

11. a teacher's pet = the teacher’s favorite student
He’s the teacher’s pet.

12. to brown-nose = to kiss ass
He is always brown-nosing the boss.
He is always kissing the boss’s ass.
He is always sucking up to the boss.
He is a yes man.

Old fashion:
He has a reputation for apple-polishing.

He is a sycophant. = He’s a brown-noser. = He’s an ass-kisser.

13. to pass with flying colors= He did very well on the test.
He passed the test with flying colors.

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