Sunday, October 19, 2014

(会員)10月19日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Poker Idioms - Part 1

(会員)10月19日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Poker Idioms- Part 1
Poker Idioms - Part 1

The weather report is calling for rain.

1. Ante up! = Time to give the basic fee. Time to pay your share.
Ex: OK! I need $10 each for the party. Everyone ante up!

2. to up the ante = to increase the risk of st
Ex: He decided to up the ante and quit his day job to concentrate on music.
He decided to up the ante and quit his day job to work on his new company.

3. to have an ace up one’s sleeve = to have a secret weapon
A: Don’t worry! I’ll get the job.
B: How can you be sure?
A: Easy! I’ve got an ace up my sleeve.
B: Really? What?
A: My father and the company boss are old  friends.

4. to play one’s cards close to the chest = to be secretive about your plans and thoughts.
Ex: I like to play my cards close to my chest when I’m negotiating.
Ex: I like to play my cards close to my chest when I’m writing.

5. to play the hand/cards you are dealt = to do the best you can with what you have
Ex: I wasn’t born rich or smart, but there is no use complaining. I just have to play the hand I’ve been dealt.
I just have to play the card I’ve been dealt.

6. to play one’s cards right = to do things to be successful (work hard, etc.)
Ex: I just joined the company, but if I play my cards right I think I can get promoted next year.

7. to be dealt a bad hand = to be unlucky
Ex: Cancer? Wow. That’s tough. You got dealt  a bad hand.

8. to put one’s cards on the table = to be honest about your plans
Ex: I decided to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt.

9. sb’s strong suit = sb’s strength
Ex: Teaching kids is my strong suit.
Ex2: Teaching kids isn’t my strong suit.
~ isn’t my strong suit.
Kids aren’t my strong suit.


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