Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Notes for TWO Daily Lessons for Oct. 22, 2014

Notes for Daily Lessons for Oct. 22, 2014

Video 1:
The Action Teacher. infrastructure インフラ
I think I’ve got it all figured out.
You can find trending topics.
They were badmouthing a few of my friends and myself. But they praised one of my friends.
This is proof that reddit knows its shit.
to know one’s shit = to be very knowledge
That guy really knows his shit. = He knows a lot about something.
He knows he’s shit. = He knows that he is bad.
I know I’m shit. / I know my shit.
Reddit knows it’s shit.
Reddit knows its shit.
You are shit. = You are terrible.
I am shit at the guitar. = I’m a terrible guitar player.
I am the shit. = I am great.
You are the shit! = You are great!
exclamation mark = !

Video 2:
US urges Japan to be bolder in opening markets
urge: 促す、要請する、勧める
You should do that!
bold = brave
open a market 市場を切り開く
Court orders Facebook to reveal revenge porn IP addresses
to comply = to obey
Britain’s government has proposed creating a new criminal offense of posting “revenge porn”, punishable by a maximum jail term of two years.

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