Thursday, October 16, 2014

(会員)10月16日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - driving idioms

(会員)10月16日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - driving idioms

Please overlook my rudeness.

Please overlook my indiscretion.

I'll overlook your indiscretion.

Please be discreet about this. このことについては口外しないでください。

use one's discretion 手心を加える、手加減する、自分で物事を判断する、物事を慎重にする
commit an indiscretion 了見違いなことをする、失態を演じる

overlook a mistake 過ちを黙認する、誤りを見落とす、失敗を大目に見る
1. I went to work by car.
—> I drove to work.  (= better)

2. ~ the car.

3. I put the key into the ~, but the car wouldn’t start.

4. ~ your seatbelts!

5. ~ on your turn signal.

6. Take a right. = Turn right.  = Make a right. = ~ a right.

7. Japanese sometimes put the car in ~ at a red light.

8. He ~ the car ~.
     He backed out of the parking lot.

9. I ~ a dog.
9b. I ~ ~  a dog.

10. I ~ my car.

11. I had a small accident. = I had a ~ ~.

12. I completely destroyed my car. = I totaled my car.

13. お釜ほられた。I got ~ ended.

ANOTHER MEANING: to back st up = to support st with power or evidence
I'll b ack you up. = I'll support you.
I think he’s lying, but I can’t back it up.

2. start, 3. ignition, 4. fasten,/put on/buckle, 5.  put , 6. Hang, 7. park, 8. backed / up, 9. hit, 9b. ran over, 10. crashed, 11. fender bender. 12. totaled,

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