Monday, October 13, 2014

(会員)10月4日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)10月4日(土)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

1. sniffly

2. I’ve got a bit of a cold.

3. He is seriously sick.

4. Is it serious?
No, it’s not serious. 
No, it’s nothing serious.

5. He has cancer.   = He has the big C.
He’s fighting cancer. 
He’s battling cancer. 
He lost his battle/fight with cancer.

6. It’s breast cancer week.

7. They wear pink to help raise awareness.

8. There is an ebola scare in the USA right now.

9. The Ebola Virus.  Ebola hemorrhagic fever

10. to hemorrhage = to bleed, 大出血する、大損失を被る、大赤字を出す
11. 診断される = to be diagnosed
Only one person has been diagnosed with the Ebola Virus.

12. He came in contact with about 100 people.
to come in contact with = 接触する

13. He caught a cold from his daughter. 
He contracted the virus from his daughter. 

14. He was infected.

15. Laughter is infectious.

16. The water is contaminated. = polluted

17. He contaminated my daughter.

18. I’m as sick as a dog.  (usually throwing up)

19. to call in sick = to call work and tell them you are not coming because you are sick

20. to be sick of st = I’m sick of that TV show.
I’m tired of that TV show. <  I’m sick of that TV show.
21. I never get tired of ~.

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