Sunday, November 9, 2014

(会員)10月30日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Halloween Idioms!

(会員)10月30日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Halloween Idioms

1. creepy = 【形】〔虫が〕はい回る
He’s creepy.
He’s kind of creepy.

2. a creep = 気味の悪い[ゾッとするような]やつ
That guy is a creep!

3. to creep = はう
The spider creeped along the ceiling.

4. to give sb the creeps = give someone the creeps
That gives me the creeps. = ゾッとするね
5. gruesome 【形】
That was a gruesome car accident!

6. The hair on my neck stood up. 身の毛がよだつ思いがした

7. grisly【形】ゾッとするような
That was a pretty grisly murder scene.

8. My blood ran cold.=私は全身が冷たくなるのを感じた。
9. to send shivers down someone’s spine =ゾッとする
The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.
 It sends shivers down my spine. それには背筋がゾッとするよ。
His voice sent shivers down my spine. 彼の声は私の背筋をゾッとさせた。
Blood Idioms
10. bloodcurdling = ゾッとする、戦慄させられる、身の毛がよだつ
He let out a bloodcurdling scream.

11. bad blood = There's a lot of bad blood between them.

12. No thanks, that's a little too rich for my blood.
used for food or prices

13. in cold blood = cruelly
He stabbed her in cold blood. 
He shot her in cold blood. 
He killed her in cold blood. 

14. to sweat blood for = to work really hard
I sweat blood for my family.
I was sweating blood while I waited for the cancer test results.

15. young blood = new young people with fresh ideas
We need some young blood in this company.

16. Spit it out! = Say it!

17. to spit up = vomit
The baby spit up its dinner.

18. to be the spitting image of somebody = to really look like sb
He’s the spitting image of his father.

19. She’s just skin and bones.

20. I have a bone to pick with you! = I am angry at you and want to talk about it.


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