Monday, January 12, 2015

Friday, Jan. 9th! Idioms!

Friday, Jan. 9th! Idioms!
relapse = ぶり返す, 再発する

15 Idioms
1. Blood is thicker than ~.

2. Any port in a ~.

3. Every cloud has a silver ~.

4. I’ll meet you down at the greasy ~. We can get burgers and shakes.

5. A: Would you like to go to sumo with me?
  B: Sorry, but sumo is not really my cup of ~.

6. Wake up and ~ the coffee,

7. I chose the red one. = I ~ with the red one.

8. That was your fault. = That is ~ you.

9. Let’s play it by ~. = We can decide later.

10. The ~ is always greener on the other side (of the fence). 隣の庭の芝生はいつも青い

11. Good ~ make good neighbors.

1. water, 2. storm, 3. lining, 4. spoon, 5. tea, 6. smell, 7. went,
I'm going to go with the Bacon Burger.
8. on, 9. ear, 10. grass, 11. fences

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