Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday, Jan. 8th! Health - Basic/Int.

Thursday, Jan. 8th! Health - Basic/Int.

0. I ~ a cold.

1. I was sick, but now I’m not. I’m back in the ~.

2. I think I’m coming ~ with something.

3. I’m as fit as a ~.

4. I was sick, but now I’m back on my ~.

5. I’m feeling a bit under the ~ today. I think I better stay home.

6. I don’t feel good. I shouldn’t have come to work today. I should have ~ in sick.

7. I’m not sick, but I’m really tired. I need to relax for a day or two and do nothing. I need to ~ my batteries.

8. A: Are you OK?
    B: Yeah, why do you ask?
    A: You look a little ~.

9. I’m allergic to seafood. Seafood makes me break out in ~.
Hint: じんましん

10. He’s going to die soon. = He’s on his death~.

11. He was getting better, but then he took a turn for the ~.

12. I think I have a fever. Do you have a thermometer? I should take my ~.

13. Those are nice glasses! Are they ~ or just for show?

14. I heard you’re getting an operation. So, when do you go under the ~?

15. I’m not sick, but something is wrong. I feel a little ~.

0. caught, 1. pink, 2. down, 3. fiddle, 4. feet,
Ex: Don't worry you'll get back on your feet. = recover
5. weather, 6. called, 7. recharge, 8. pale, 9. rash /hives,
Ex: I'm breaking out in hives. じんましんが出ています。
10. bed,
臨終の床 = deathbed
11. worse, 12. temperature, 13. prescription,
You should get your temperature taken. 14. knife,
Ex: I'm going under the knife.
15. off
My game is off.

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